Trump’s former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley calls Donald Trump a “fascist to the core” and says no person has ever posed more of a danger to the United States than the corrupt former president, Bob Woodward reveals in his new book。
The Atlantic has decided to endorse a presidential candidate for only the fifth time in its 167-year history. The magazine has thrown its weight behind Democratic Kamala Harris.
After the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in 2023, which banned the consideration of race in college admissions, MIT has seen significant changes in the racial composition of its incoming class. For the Class of 2028, the percentage of Black students dropped from an average of 13% in previous years to just 5%. Similarly, the percentage of Latino students decreased from 15% to 11%. On the other hand, the proportion of Asian American students increased, rising from 40% to 47%.
MIT administrators have expressed concern over the decrease in diversity, attributing these changes to the end of affirmative action. They noted that many well-qualified students from historically underrepresented groups may have been left out due to the new admissions constraints. However, MIT has also seen an increase in first-generation and economically disadvantaged students, suggesting a shift toward a focus on socioeconomic diversity
这位 Chinese Kanye West的第n个马甲, 一个州是否wealthy,取决于其 education level, 人素质. 州里的人素质高,做一些high paying 的脑力工作,所以很wealthy。 可素质高的人,不太会被你的教主骗,所以成了您口中的蓝州。
千万不要把川教主和里根比。里根是一个real GOP with decency, character and good ideas. 川教主是一个RINO and fake.
骂人不好, 您的教友在下面, 粗俗叫骂“烏雞”,“智商缺陷”, “三”。 请您管一管,好不好。。
美国总统大选进入白热化阶段,最新内部民调数据却为民主党敲响警钟。美国资深记者、时代杂志(Time)特约编辑郝柏林(MarkHalperin)日前透露,根据他掌握的最新数据,民主共和两党内部人士都认为,川普(DonaldTrump)的胜选机率正在大幅上升,贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)则可能在6个关键摇摆州失利。
郝柏林在节目中与前川普政府白宫发言人史派瑟(Sean Spicer)和民主党政治策略师图伦廷(DanTurrentine)讨论时指出,鲍德温公开这些民调数据,实际上是向民主党发出警讯。图伦廷附和道:“这么做就是为了拉响警报,向全党发出警讯。”