Jason Kohler, 21, a high school classmate of the man suspected of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, says Thomas Matthew Cooks was “bullied almost every day” in high school.https://t.co/JfqCqr7LZI
1 - 川普集会上的枪手被发现在活动附近表现可疑,当局通过无线电宣布对他进行监视,并将此信息传递给特勤局。 - CNN
2 - 枪手带着全套步枪登上了屋顶,两名目击者看到了他,并称他们正在告诉当局并对他大喊大叫,估计持续了 3 - 4 分钟 - BBC
3 - 负责覆盖如此关键方向的标准狙击手观察小组在直视枪手后等待了大约 42 秒,让他向川普开了 5 枪 - 来自事件视频x.com/j6videos/statu…
4 - 特勤局决定可以让川普在舞台上停留较长一段时间,这样他就可以与一名活跃的枪手面对面并向人群发表讲话 - 活动视频
5 - 特勤局并没有考虑在活动期间确保制高点和优势区域......
So let me get this straight.....
1 - The shooter at Trump’s rally was spotted acting suspiciously near the event, Authorities announced over radio to keep an eye on him, and this info was passed to Secret Service. - CNN
2 - The shooter made it to the roof with a full rifle kit as TWO witness's saw him and say they were telling authorities and screaming about him for an estimates 3 - 4 min - BBC
3 - A standard sniper-spotter team tasked with covering such a critical direction waits an estimated 42 seconds after looking directly at the shooter, allowing him to take 5 shots at Trump - Video From Event x.com/j6videos/statu…
4 - The secret service decides its ok to keep Trump on stage for an extended period of time where he's able to face and actually address the crowd with an active shooter - Video From Event
5 - The secret service didn't think of securing the high point and advantage area over the event...
纽约邮报报道,美国前总统川普13日于宾州造势遇刺,涉嫌行凶的20岁枪手库克斯(Thomas Matthew Crooks)遭当场击毙,其中学同班同学受访爆料,库克斯在学校是边缘人,而且“经常受到霸凌”。
他过去的同班同学柯勒(Jason Kohler)告诉地方电视台KDKA,库克斯以前在学校是边缘人,而且经常受到霸凌。另外,库克斯平常喜欢穿“打猎服装”到学校,而且喜欢玩电动游戏。除此之外,柯勒提供了2张库克斯之前在学校的照片,一张穿著短袖坐在课桌椅,另一张是在校车上竖起大拇指和同学自拍。
而每日邮报报道,该中学射击校队现任队长马赫(Frederick Mach)透露,库克斯过去曾想加入校队,但是因为技术太差被劝退。他的同学墨菲(Jameson Murphy)回忆,库克斯在射击测试中的成绩经常脱靶,开枪后距离目标差了20英尺(约6米)。
美国国家广播公司新闻网(NBC News)报道,库克斯是宾州枪枝俱乐部“克莱尔顿运动俱乐部”(Clairton Sportsmen's Club)成员。而俱乐部也在声明中对于川普行刺案表达谴责暴力,同时向受害者家属致意。