rumble. com/v64ic7j-live-with-julie.html?start=705
[Word heard – December 27, 2024]
Woe to you in Washington. I see your weapons. I see your plans against My nation. I see your strategies to take down the United States, to shut down the world, to start a war, to try another pandemic, to try and change the weather, to cause an economic disaster, because you are willing to try anything to see if it sticks, to stop this nation moving away from you and your one world govt reset.
I see your attempts to try another coup against this nation and My David. When will you ever learn? This nation is not your nation to keep or to control who leads it. Your days of running that charade has come to an end. I will show you the power and the direction of this nation is not yours to control.
Bombs are coming. You wanted war O Washington DC? You are getting a war but not one you created and not one you wanted. The bombs that are coming are BOMBS OF TRUTH. Truth is coming for you that will destroy all your lies that you have dominated this nation with. Your lies, manipulation, your money laundering are what have kept most of you in your seats of power. But when truth hits you in Washington – where will you hide? Where will you go to try to save yourselves from exposure, from the proof that is coming that cannot be denied. There isn’t anywhere to hide or anywhere you can go that will far enough away from Me or the judgment that will hit all of you.
O Washington, your secret books will be released, your servers severed, your communication cut off, your way of controlling the economy in other nations ripped from you. Enemies of Almighty God your days of leadership are expiring says the Lord of Hosts.
You haven’t seen the lowest Disney will fall. Many more scandals will be exposed that will gut this company says the Lord.
The film industry’s about to take another major blow that they it will not recover from.
My children you have entered a time of change in leadership of the 7 mountains of influence of My glory filling this earth and destroying the evil that has dominated and tried to swallow the earth in a darkness that it could not get out of.
I am dismantling this army, the global regime, the global reset they were about to force this world into. I will break their system and their reset. So hold on My children. Things will shake. Things will be different. Things will seem unusual but I am changing things for you and ridding you of your enemies at every place they enslaved you. These will be glorious days ahead for My church says the Lord Your Redeemer.
导语上海市2023年度全口径城镇单位就业人员平均工资为12307元/月。 平均工资与社保缴费基数、公积金缴费基数挂钩。 上海市2023年度全口径城镇单位就业人员平均工资为12307元/月。Jul 31, 2024
The average salary in New York City (NYC) is between $80,000 and $90,000 per year, which is 18% higher than the national average. However, after taxes, the average salary is closer to $65,000–$70,000 per year.
候任总统特朗普阵营就H-1B签证爆发内哄后,亿万富豪马斯克(Elon Musk)突然缓和态度,不再坚持输入大批移民专才,反而表示现有制度存在问题,应该大幅改革,杜绝滥用。
这次争议的起源,在于特朗普提名印度裔企业家克里希南(Sriram Krishnan)出任白宫人工智能高级顾问,惹来移民强硬派极度不满。本身与特朗普关系密切的右翼人士卢默(Laura Loomer)带头批评,克利希南赞成增加技术移民名额,任命这个人违背“美国优先”原则,又质疑科技界为了捞取好处才支持特朗普。
随后马斯克等科技行业的富豪回呛,表示现在才培训本土科技人才的成本太高,应该引入外国人才,企业家拉马斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy)甚至质疑,美国本土文化不追求卓越,无法培养高端人才。双方争得脸红耳赤后,特朗普表态称赞H-1B制度。