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[Word heard – November 14, 2024]
My children in the Land of My Eagle, this nation will soar above the destruction, division and darkness your enemy tried to drown this nation in. This country will outlive the evil that tried to destroy it. America you are becoming great again – a nation that will deliver My message of the Good News to all the nations of this earth. The United States you have an assignment that will be fulfilled. It is to wipe out the evil that is trying to devour the nations of this world. Not only will your nation be freer than it’s ever been but you will help build other nations and govts to help freedom spread across the world. The price has already been paid for it and it is time for the people all over this earth and each nation to enjoy this freedom and to learn of the One who gave it to them.
My children after this darkness that is being destroyed, the Light of My Word will shine as bright as it can to bring a joy most people have never known before, because of the slavery and the bondage each person was in from their enemy. This exodus of freedom and My glory will be unprecedented. It will fill this earth with more miracles, signs and wonders that will be seen and it will be undeniable - to those at one time never thought it was possible and for those who didn’t think I still was a God that performed miracles.
My children you are walking toward your Promised Land, a way of life I’ve always intended for you to live: a life of freedom, of soundness, wholeness and prosperity where there is no lack of any kind. This is what I have and this is what I paid for. Your enemy stole it and he was trying to keep you from what rightfully belongs to you.
The winds of change are here where My children are in charge and your enemies are your footstool, where My children will know more of My authority and you will see it how I wanted you to use it.
These days ahead will be glorious for a child of the Most High God. So hold fast to My promises and to My Word. Hold fast to your faith and trust in Me. Don’t give in and don’t give up no matter what your enemies are up to. They are nothing and their ways are nothing and you will see Me move and manifest My power upon this earth like no other time before you.
My children rise up. This is your time where the world will look to you and to My Words and My glory through you. Expect, receive and rejoice, for the time of My church is here and it can’t be stopped says the Lord Your Redeemer.
A laptop will surface and what’s on that laptop will crush the Establishment. It’s not just Hunter’s that has damning information on it. It’s also the Biden’s as well. My children, your enemies can’t stop the release of the laptops because they are coming. There are so many more that I have and My infiltrators are still retrieving them before My David’s return. These laptops and the servers, they’re all connected to their secret line of communication and it has been severed.
I will show you Bill Gates and how he helped with Microsoft technology to control the secrets of many in Washington with his servers that he has designed for the globalist takeover of this nation and the world. Bill Gates no amount of money or intelligence can keep you from the judgment that I have for I the Lord have coming for you. You will fall from your lofty place of power and influence and so will everyone with you says the Lord of Hosts.
George Soros and his son’s connections to Washington now, with the money they have used to steal elections, to keep the Establishment in control is about to be exposed. I have infiltrators that will take out their power and influence in Washington and over this nation. Not only will the politicians be shaken in DC but so will all the puppet masters that have controlled them says the Lord.
Election fraud is about to surface. Some in Washington truly believe they got away with stealing seats in the House and seats in the Senate, but they will soon see their arrogance is what will cause their exposure. I will show you how red that map truly was and how many in your House should be red and not blue. An unprecedented wave of truth is coming to prove how many seats were stolen because your enemies thought they could steal the House and the Senate away from the people. Watch and see what unconventional things take place that will remove the ones who don’t belong in your govt says the Lord.
Oh Deep State in Washington, your plans didn’t work to steal this country. But now I will show this nation and the world how many votes Kamala really received. I will show how much of a red tsunami wave it really was. Your Establishment is being dismantled as I speak and you think you will not go down without a fight and you have things you will continue to try to use to sabotage My David with and his presidency but it will fail. You will not go quietly but soon I will silence you and your control along with your power in this nation.
Your news media will not recover. Your foreign allies will turn their backs on you and soon you will all have nothing left. Judgment is about to hit DC along with a political storm you will not recover from because this nation is Mine says the Lord of Hosts.
川普这人没长性,对任何下属稍不高兴就踢开。“You are fired"是他的特征性语言。在他的前一任上,一共换了四个国防部长和四个国务卿,平均每年各换一个。对蒂勒森和司法部长巴尔的解雇手段,可以说是用了人格侮辱式的手法。那八个前雇员,没有一个像马斯克现在这样招摇过世,都是低调地配合川普。而马斯克简直就视副总统万斯为无物。我看马斯克在川普内阁里最长也混不过一年。

特朗普的孙女凯·特朗普周日在 X 上发布了一张与马斯克在佛罗里达州高尔夫球场的合影,开玩笑说这位亿万富翁“即将成为叔叔”。
除了与特朗普关系密切之外,马斯克还承担了一项更正式的任务:他与维韦克·拉马斯瓦米 (Vivek Ramaswamy) 共同领导“政府效率部”,它将充当外部咨询委员会的角色,这意味着马斯克将不会拥有正式的政府头衔。但考虑到他的公司拥有价值数十亿美元的政府合同,他的影响力仍然可能特别有利。