
最新回复:2024年10月22日 11点58分 PT
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rumble. com/v5jnov9-live-with-julie.html?start=636 TENSIONS ARE GROWING IN THE ENEMY’S CAMP [Word heard – October 18, 2024] My children, tensions are growing in the enemy’s camp. Some will break under the pressure seeing they are losing and every day appears to be worse than the day before. Your enemies in Washington are petrified at what they are seeing with My David. He’s growing in strength and more people are turning to him. They know the deals he has made with some of their own party trying to save themselves. But there are deals on the table given to My David, even the Establishment doesn’t know about. Your leaders are unaware people have turned on them when it looks like in all in Washington they are still on your side. Sabotage is coming from your leaders in Washington against their own. I told you their puppets are failing to a degree they never thought possible. This is when your enemies will appear more dangerous with their actions they try against you and against this nation. Confusion is growing in Washington on what to do to stop this election because they realize they can’t cheat enough to win. Desperation is growing to a whole new level. AS their desperation continues to grow, so will their mistakes and mishaps along with their mouths being their worst enemies. Your leaders in Washington are about to do something they said they would never do. But this mighty be their only option. They are screaming to one another, IF HE GETS IN WE ARE DONE FOR. There is no option for him to get back into the White House. We will all be arrested or worse. What does he have? How can we find out? And are there other options to take him out and be successful? My children your enemies are having these conversations. They don’t know what to do with My David. The Establishment is about to let their wolves out of their cages to come after this nation. They want total anarchy and unrest. They wanted Civil War, anything where they can take emergency measures and proclaim Martial Law. They need more control so you can have less freedoms and be no threat to their machine from continuing to run this nation.
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(Part 2) Your enemies are even questioning and contemplating about starting WW3 right now – to have a strike so devastating to this nation, not caring on how many lives are lost because they’d be safe in their positions and could stay in control. They would determine how much foreign enemies are allowed to do against you, even though there’s a good chance they may give the enemy too much leeway and it might go south quickly if not controlled. My children, this is a time - is very dangerous, a time to be when your enemies are realizing they are defeated and when they still choose not to wave that white flag. AS your enemies are losing strength and unity, My children I am giving you My strength and you will grow in unity despite the great divide your enemies have caused in My church. Great vindication is coming for My chosen voices that were being attacked and threatened to be silenced by the religious leaders. Those leaders will have a great wake-up call when they see that the truth that cannot be denied. Their doctrines and religious lies will not stand and they’ll be judged for choking My Word out of congregations with legalism and their opinions. A shaking is coming to those behind the pulpits who try to silence My prophets, who try to silence them on giving My Words and preparing the hearts of My people for battle. The world is and against this evil. Those who have been prideful and arrogant will themselves take a fall from where they have been. Pride comes before a fall and it also says in My Word touch not My anointed and do My prophets no harm. But some have chosen to ignore those words and went after those I have chosen to [try???] and disgrace them with repeated persecution and lies. Judgment is coming to those against My remnant. They had time to repent and chose to ignore those warnings. So My children you will see church leaders fall in disgrace. You have seen the unprecedented amount of CEO’s and Presidents of companies leave their positions and now you will see many in the churches do the same. A cleansing of My church has begun because this is a time of My glory being poured out and in order for the world to receive this amount, I must have the people in positions that are willing to receive it and believe - I am still capable of doing such moves of the Spirit, like I have spoken of in My Word. There are some in churches teaching that this has passed away and I no longer do these things. That is a lie because I am still the same yesterday, today and forever.
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(Part 3) What does it take for My children to believe those words I’ve written in the Bible. Change is coming. Politically yes. But great changes are coming spiritually in the Body of Christ. So prepare to receive the glory I’m about to pour out. Evil must be expelled from the churches and darkness distinguished from My children – to receive the amounts of glory I’m about ready to release. So My children prepare your hearts and minds in My Word praising Me. Don’t limit what I want to do for you and what I want to do through you in this unprecedented time saith the Lord of Hosts. Amateur…this word will be in your news for a shocking political reason. Armageddon…this word will be used in a very unusual way. Apocalyptic…this word will be in your news for a significant reason. My children, your enemies will continue to use scare tactics in this time to try to gain control over your minds. REBUKE THE FEAR AND DENY THEIR POWER OVER YOU AND YOUR NATIONS. China is about to make a move against your election again, they will soon regret. What will strike their nation with judgment can only be explained with words biblical event and unprecedented judgment. This is coming for the ones trying to destroy My nations. What Boeing has been hiding will soon come out in the open and I will show you how your Establishment is involved in these sinister plots against you. Chariot…this company will be in your news for a shocking reason. Things are imploding your enemies can no longer hide. My children, prepare for the tensions that are growing against your enemies to cause an implosion they will never recover from. Their time is coming to an end in unprecedented way says the Lord Your Redeemer.
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假选票,机器反转投票信息,曲线...大概率都会重现 无法影响结果,因为实际支持率悬殊,Trust the Lord! 还被许可的作弊,只是为了后续大面积的清理!the evil machine will be dismantled thoroughly, 川普警告过几次作弊会进监狱,这是计划中的标准动作 DS后续会有疯狂的动作,It is dying...
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谁都可以预测,反正不需要事实。这就是赌博开盘前大家押注,反正是有赢的有输的,如果你没有投注,那么最后开盘结果就无所谓啦,大家一乐而已。 现在下注吧
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DJT 股票已经大幅上涨了
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哈哈哈,风水轮流转,轮到民主党“担心”作弊了? 看来共和党心心念念的查ID,原来为的是大规模舞弊。这脑回路可够清奇的。 加州查ID违法原来是防止共和党大规模舞弊,真是奇招。你说这共和党的支持者到底是拿着自己的ID怎么作弊的?黑川的奇人们能不能给个解释?