Russian soldiers from the "Storm" unit, consisting of both convicts (and likely some mobilised), formed by Russian MoD, published a video revealing they were purposefully sent into slaughter during the assault of Vodyane while blocking units prevented their retreat. The unit…
I hate that Russia invaded a sovereign nation of Ukraine. At the same time, I feel sorry for these Russian soldiers. In the eyes of Putin, they are not even cannon fodders, they are just consumables.
Unlike democratic countries that respect human rights, totalitarian countries such as Russia, N Korea and China wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice their people's lives in order to get what the dictators want.
卫报报导,在一段要传给俄国总统普京(Vladimir Putin)的影片中,约24名身穿军装的男子先表示自己是国防部下属“风暴部队”(Storm)的残馀分子,其中一位名叫戈林(Alexander Gorin)的俄兵表示“我们在迫击砲火下撑了14天,我们损失惨重,包括指挥官在内有34人受伤、22人死亡”,另一名士兵则透露该部队在行动开始时有161人。
戈林提到他们决定返回俄国军队总部,但遭到上级拒绝,并称“他们在我们身后佈置『督战队』(Barrier Troops),除了不让我们离开阵地还威胁要一个一个摧毁我们,他们想处决我们,因为我们亲眼见证犯下罪行的领导层”,还有士兵直言“我们的指挥官是个犯罪组织”。
去年11月,英国国防部表示俄军可能已开始部署“督战队”和“封锁部队”(Blocking Units),并称“射杀逃兵可能证明俄罗斯军队素质低下、士气低落和纪律鬆散”。