In the early literature, vitamin C deficiency was associated with pneumonia. After its identification, a number of studies investigated the effects of vitamin C on diverse infections. A total of 148 animal studies indicated that vitamin C may alleviate or prevent infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. The most extensively studied human infection is the common cold.
CONTAINS MK-4 AND MK-7: MK-4 and MK-7 are distinct vitamins and play separate roles in your health. Only MK-4 is found in the brain, fetus, and breast milk. MK-4 is the predominant K2 in the body. MK-7, which goes to work in the bones, is longer acting.*
In the early literature, vitamin C deficiency was associated with pneumonia. After its identification, a number of studies investigated the effects of vitamin C on diverse infections. A total of 148 animal studies indicated that vitamin C may alleviate or prevent infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. The most extensively studied human infection is the common cold.
有时候,我这个牙就开始疼了,一般都伴有发热,怕冷,有点儿flu 的症状,我一般2包VC下去,第二天就好了。
我三月份基本每天一包emergen C,发烧的时候吃过4,5克一天。肠胃最后受不了了。几个月后发现影响关节。
吃vc, 大量吃,在嘴里喊着,2 小时吃10g, 结果拉稀了。教训:以后吃5 g/6h.
上午到mall 里买新手机,走时嘴了含二块芦荟,顺便买菜,回来做饭吃饭,嗓子在不知不觉中好了。
你们说,这个大量vc 是不是起了作用?芦荟也杀菌去毒?还有瑜伽(一边含大量vc , 一边做感冒瑜伽)。
CONTAINS MK-4 AND MK-7: MK-4 and MK-7 are distinct vitamins and play separate roles in your health. Only MK-4 is found in the brain, fetus, and breast milk. MK-4 is the predominant K2 in the body. MK-7, which goes to work in the bones, is longer acting.*