My health was an issue I typically ignored. I always assumed that everybody had some "problem" that affected how they felt and usually take something for a headache or stomach ache, or joint pain. I was taking 6-8 Tylenol per day for my pains. (这是非常典型的老美做派。我们中国人明白是药三分毒,但是一般老美吃起药来是毫不犹豫的,有个什么毛病第一想起来就是吃药)。
After ignoring my health , it finally really caught up to me around 2011 . For several years , I had constant bad headaches , body aches, joint pain and stomach issues . In addition, I had skin issues that resulted in my skin tending to feel "Itchy" all the time. I tried going the regular route and seeing if my Kaiser Dr's could solve various problems. Noting would work . They tended to focus on solving the symptoms I was having and not the root cause problems。 (皮肤是身体最大的器官,健康有问题的时候,身体排毒会通过皮肤排出来,所以会先有各种皮肤问题)。
I ended trying all kinds Dr's , including acupuncture , ART, chiropractors etc.....
What I ended up doing is tons of research. For years . I ended up going after healing my "gut" and strengthening my total immune system. From the list of above problems I suffered from, basically ALL of them are gone and I don't take medicine's at all.
Here is a list of what I do today and most importantly ---why -- I do them .
No GMO foods ---EVER . GMO foods create a protein that is chemical based in the seed itself ( glyphosate ) . This destroys "good" gut bacteria and tends to lead to a problem called "leaky gut" . Leaky gut is a term used for the microvilli in out smaller intestine being "crippled" and allowing proteins to leak into our bloodstream causing all types of immune system problems.
NO HFC , HFC is "high fructose corn syrup" . The food industry sells this as a " sugar " substitute . HFC's are significantly worse for your immune system , causes inflammation and is more addictive to the human brain that cocaine.
Probiotics , these are the "good" bacteria and are highly crucial to maintaining a healthy gut. These come in different potencies ( numbercount and strain count ) . There are over one trillion bacteria in a human body and if the body is out of balance with bad bacteria ( called candida) in the stomach and intestines , the result issickness, low energy and lethargy.
Digestive enzymes , These are interesting ---why ? Most people eat food way to fast . The body uses our own enzymes to break down our food . These enzymes are generated in your mouth . If you chew food really fast ( less than 10 chews per mouthful , for example ) you don't generate enough enzymes to properly break down food and getting the most nutrient advantage of what your eating . Chewing food at least 30 chews per mouthful is considered the minimum to maximize what you obtain from the food itself AND the more you chew food the LESS bad bacteria you create in your intestines . Taking supplemental enzymes is OK , but it's best to learn to really chew your foods extremely well . (我努力做到这个,但是细爵慢咽真的很不习惯。还在努力中)
Water , you should already be drinking a minimum of 1/2 your body weigh in water per day. preferably more on hotter days and start early in the morning . Also drink the purest water you can find . I prefer Penta brand water ---mainly due to being the most pure water made . (我现在尽量喝蒸馏水和过滤水。但是问题是蒸馏水的容器也许还有污染。)
Supplements , This can be a little tricky . Mainly because it really based on what you eat and what level of nutrients you are getting from your food . Since I eat an organic diet , I try to get my veggie and fruit nutrients balanced ( balanced means eating lots of variation in items that provide nutrients ) . With that said , I add a "green" based multivitamin and /or drink , Vitamin D3 , Vitamin E and a high grade Vitamin C .
MRT test . This is called a Medial residual test , and it's done out of a company in Florida called Oxford Biomedical . This is a blood test to determine what foods you eat that might be causing "gut" inflammation . The test I did was the 150 for $700 . It test's 150 common foods to see what your "wants " and what your body "reacts" too. This is very important to reduce inflammation which was the primary cause of all my "symptoms".
That's the basic stuff I did . It worked for myself and my wife . No matter what changes you decide to make ---START slowly. Most likely, your body will react to adding some of these things to it, especially probiotics, enzymes and new foods .
My health was an issue I typically ignored. I always assumed that everybody had some "problem" that affected how they felt and usually take something for a headache or stomach ache, or joint pain. I was taking 6-8 Tylenol per day for my pains. (这是非常典型的老美做派。我们中国人明白是药三分毒,但是一般老美吃起药来是毫不犹豫的,有个什么毛病第一想起来就是吃药)。
After ignoring my health , it finally really caught up to me around 2011 . For several years , I had constant bad headaches , body aches, joint pain and stomach issues . In addition, I had skin issues that resulted in my skin tending to feel "Itchy" all the time. I tried going the regular route and seeing if my Kaiser Dr's could solve various problems. Noting would work . They tended to focus on solving the symptoms I was having and not the root cause problems。 (皮肤是身体最大的器官,健康有问题的时候,身体排毒会通过皮肤排出来,所以会先有各种皮肤问题)。
I ended trying all kinds Dr's , including acupuncture , ART, chiropractors etc.....
What I ended up doing is tons of research. For years . I ended up going after healing my "gut" and strengthening my total immune system. From the list of above problems I suffered from, basically ALL of them are gone and I don't take medicine's at all.
Here is a list of what I do today and most importantly ---why -- I do them .
That's the basic stuff I did . It worked for myself and my wife . No matter what changes you decide to make ---START slowly. Most likely, your body will react to adding some of these things to it, especially probiotics, enzymes and new foods .
文里提到的MRT test 是 Mediator Release Test 食物敏感测试。
Mediator Release Test,你做了吗?我非常感兴趣,我会问我的家庭医生,如何运作。
我尽量吃organic,non processed的食物,自己做,减少外食,不吃零食,买高质量的食物。
此谭也有很多人做keto,low carb很有成效,但一直是被打击的一群,时间长了,就没人愿意分享了。说实话,我和我妈分享keto,她都不相信我,也不怪别人,和中国传统理念相差太多。
从我个人经验来讲,发现keto,能够follow keto,是我最幸运的事情。
什么是numbercount and strain count?
1) more addictive to the human brain that cocaine. = more addictive to the human brain than cocaine.
2) way to fast = way too fast
3) what your eating = what you are eating
KETO对我来说可能不适合因为油脂. 之所以改变饮食就是发现吃完太油的东西人很难受.我只是说少油脂比较对我体质.每个人不一样找到合适自己的方式.减少淀粉其实就是保持血糖的水平.过多的淀粉在体内也会转成脂肪.
最近买了Candida Cleanse的supplement. 有很贵的,只买了一瓶十几刀的,刚吃很挺不舒服的,停了几天后又开始吃,吃了应该有一个月了,有体力好了,关节炎轻了,头脑情醒很多.努力减少身体的真菌我最近几年做的事.
I would buy different brands at different prices. Align and Floaster are expensive ones. Nature's bounty is about $20.
thank you