The correct name is called TRANSIT WITHOUT VISA. Your trip was NOT Transitting China but Entering China then Returning to same place.
The failure is caused by your not understanding the policy, because so many mistakenly called it No Visa Required, but that is for TRANIT only - meaning your last airport before entering China must be DIFFERENT from the first airport leaving China.
"Aliens overstaying the visa or residence permit for a short period will be given a warning and be required to pay a fine. Usually, the penalty is CNY500 per day not to exceed CNY10,000 "
With due respect, you have jumped a little too early to a
WRONG conclusion.
That entry stamp on the passport is effectively the visa, so it is definitely NOT what you called a transit without visa.
in addition, our last airport was HK before coming to China mainland and it was Osaka after leaving China., so it is definitely NOT a round trip as you called it. When thinking outside the box, one might end up having a very different conclusion.
You w/ 10 yr Visa subj to max length allowed. Son is iffy.
Personally I would not take such chance because legally your son's entry did not meet the eligibility. That you were not challenged better count your lucky stars. Should you get a stingy officer, the outcome would be quite different and might be very unpleasant.
Of course, China can have a written policy but a different excution in practice. The problem is, if any of its "officers" decides to use the letters of the law, then they have full authority back by the Chinese laws to detain you or fine you.
众所周知,中国大陆去年底开始推行过境免签72小时,其后增加到144小时,接着再次延长至240小时,也就是十整天。 这对我等计划到大陆旅游探亲的海外华人可是大好消息。 起码省下一笔签证费和不少宝贵时间。
我和儿子一月底回了一趟大陆,他就是利用240小时的免签,而我有多次往返签证。 有点意外的是我们在大陆停留了13天,理论上我儿子比宣布的十天多呆了三天。这是因为我订的到达和离开大陆机票之间的天数是十三天,我的疏忽。 在飞往大陆的飞机上才想起他的过境免签, 不知道入关的时候会不会出现问题,也许还要考虑十天内去香港一趟再回大陆再拿个免签。
箭已出手,不想那么多了,车到山前必有路。 我们入关的时候,我儿子一下就过了边检,比我还快。 我知道没问题了。 十三天后,我们大摇大摆地出关,也没有任何问题。一进一出,根本就没有问到第三国航班的问题,别说出示机票了。 我的感觉是大陆会逐渐放宽签证条件。
更多我的博客文章>>> 使用中国大陆过境免签证的一个具体例子(仅供参考) 温故何必知新 - 日本京都无为之旅 日本大阪展览中心的现代独立房屋设计 和儿子闯了一趟台湾的鬼门关 到台湾去过个农历新年 - 青天下的台北一角
年轻的亲友今年一月八日-十五日回国旅行,checkin时,忘了带上旧护照(签证在上面),航空公司不让checkin呢。机票是US国内飞LAX转机,round trip。只好改签第二天航班。
The correct name is called TRANSIT WITHOUT VISA. Your trip was NOT Transitting China but Entering China then Returning to same place.
The failure is caused by your not understanding the policy, because so many mistakenly called it No Visa Required, but that is for TRANIT only - meaning your last airport before entering China must be DIFFERENT from the first airport leaving China.
"Aliens overstaying the visa or residence permit for a short period will be given a warning and be required to pay a fine. Usually, the penalty is CNY500 per day not to exceed CNY10,000 "
倒过来想,要是到美国访问,过了签证期限。 游客会有顾虑是否下次签证会被拒绝
WRONG conclusion.
That entry stamp on the passport is effectively the visa, so it is definitely NOT what you called a transit without visa.
in addition, our last airport was HK before coming to China mainland and it was Osaka after leaving China., so it is definitely NOT a round trip as you called it. When thinking outside the box, one might end up having a very different conclusion.
The poster was just very lucky.
Elese it could be fined or given an "Administration Detention". There were cases reported every now and then at this other Chinese site.
These are words directly from the Chinese Embassy website.
Conditions for Foreign Nationals Applying for the 240-Hour Visa-Free Transit Eligibility
for a month or two as the visa doesn't specify the length of stay. As such, there is no base for fine. Don't you think?
Personally I would not take such chance because legally your son's entry did not meet the eligibility. That you were not challenged better count your lucky stars. Should you get a stingy officer, the outcome would be quite different and might be very unpleasant.
Better play it safe than be sorry.
Of course, China can have a written policy but a different excution in practice. The problem is, if any of its "officers" decides to use the letters of the law, then they have full authority back by the Chinese laws to detain you or fine you.
所以如果你兒子持的是澳洲護照 那麼他有落地簽十五天停留 完全不是什麼過境免簽證。這也解釋了為什麼護照上蓋的是 VISA 因為這個是的而且確的落地簽證 澳洲是在符合的國家名單上.
希望讀者會看所有跟貼 不被誤導。
Visa on Arrival, not Transit without Vusa.
Australia is part of the group countries that is eligible for 240 hours过境免签。
see the following, which dated 2024-12-17
hope this will surffice.