I heard story that Jane st takes screening seriously (hiring cost up incuding intern training) so employee retention is good. Self claim: no kids working there.
Quant Traders are only hired from intern (there could be old intern. One year Vanessa was on camp too
Citadel is known for "easier" hiring and famous for revolving door approach. Trader 5% (10%?) lay off per quarter based on performance but those laid off people have garden leave. Good balance.
The survival rate for first-year quantitative traders at firms like Jane Street and Citadel can vary significantly based on individual performance, adaptability, and cultural fit. However, some general insights are:
Jane Street: Known for its collaborative and academically oriented culture, Jane Street emphasizes mentorship and extensive training programs. First-year traders are given ample support, which contributes to a relatively higher survival rate. It's often considered a more nurturing environment, though the performance expectations remain extremely high.
Citadel: Citadel Securities has a more competitive and high-pressure environment. It rewards top performers exceptionally well, but underperformance can lead to faster turnover. Survival rates tend to be lower compared to Jane Street, especially because Citadel's culture leans more toward a results-driven approach with less tolerance for prolonged underperformance.
In general, Jane Street’s first-year survival rate might be estimated around 70-80%, while Citadel’s survival rate may be closer to 50-60%. This is anecdotal and can depend on factors like market conditions, team placement, and individual resilience.
If you'd like further insights into how to improve the odds of success in these roles, let me know!
剩下的95%几年内被淘汰,这里还不包括没拿到 RETURN OFFER的 实习生
JS intern很红,大家反映很好,一年200, RO 60%。 就是每年至少招120人。 可是他家才2000人。 这么招人是因为在快速扩张中,还是每年他家也淘汰这么多人? 矿场上被淘汰的人大约做几年,后来都去哪儿了? (不可能都另飞高枝,别家也有类似问题啊,除非这个行业在急速扩张。)
# of employees increased a lot last few years so drawing conclusion based on that chart could be misleading.
I heard story that Jane st takes screening seriously (hiring cost up incuding intern training) so employee retention is good. Self claim: no kids working there.
Quant Traders are only hired from intern (there could be old intern. One year Vanessa was on camp too
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanessa_Selbst )
Citadel is known for "easier" hiring and famous for revolving door approach. Trader 5% (10%?) lay off per quarter based on performance but those laid off people have garden leave. Good balance.
The survival rate for first-year quantitative traders at firms like Jane Street and Citadel can vary significantly based on individual performance, adaptability, and cultural fit. However, some general insights are:
Jane Street: Known for its collaborative and academically oriented culture, Jane Street emphasizes mentorship and extensive training programs. First-year traders are given ample support, which contributes to a relatively higher survival rate. It's often considered a more nurturing environment, though the performance expectations remain extremely high.
Citadel: Citadel Securities has a more competitive and high-pressure environment. It rewards top performers exceptionally well, but underperformance can lead to faster turnover. Survival rates tend to be lower compared to Jane Street, especially because Citadel's culture leans more toward a results-driven approach with less tolerance for prolonged underperformance.
In general, Jane Street’s first-year survival rate might be estimated around 70-80%, while Citadel’s survival rate may be closer to 50-60%. This is anecdotal and can depend on factors like market conditions, team placement, and individual resilience.
If you'd like further insights into how to improve the odds of success in these roles, let me know!
One year Intern RO was about 20%
# employee vs # of years working does not mean much.
我公司很decent,就是没有meta和JS那种pay 啦。
你的数据20% 的retention有啥说的。真挺好的。
这种公司从来不meant for every one
你这砸的没什么意思。我儿子有许多同学,朋友在JS 呆过第二,第三年的,也有许多在其他矿的。据我儿子说,JS很少 layoff,公司会尽量帮助新员工适应工作。主动离开的人各有不同原因。这个行业的新员工有大量的数学,计算机知识能力,水平等顶尖的孩子们,他们有许多职业道路的选择,矿只是其中之一。大学毕业进这个行业,说的就是试一试,看看喜欢么。毕竟实习,和真的工作还是不一样的。很多人本来就没有长期在这个行业的打算。包括我儿子,他就说毕业了先去某个接了offer的矿一,二年。因为其他邀请他的 startup,没有他很感兴趣的,要再看看。
本来就没有长期打算。大学刚毕业,还没有明确的对未来职业道路的打算,就想着先赚了那个很高的 sign on bonus 再说。
Jane Street company overview, insights, and reviews | Lensa
https://lensa. com/jane-street/jobs/c/ae0c5292b85a51924a7e4eef467333a86e052322#home
INTERN 40% 淘汰, 第一年31%淘汰, 1-3年47%继续淘汰