$2.5 million to promote DEI in Serbia $70,000 for a DEI musical in Ireland $47,000 for a transgender opera in Columbia and; $32,000 for a transgender comic book in Peru
Trump spent over $100M of taxpayer funds on golf outings, and this was only through 2019.
Pay to clear the courses and bring in all the security, just to start. The best part is that he pays himself whenever he golfs at one of his own resorts.
He charges super-premium rates to secret service to use his golf carts. Not to mention what he charges them to stay at his resorts.
马斯克领导的精简政府机构, 雇的都是些19-24岁刚刚本科毕业, 甚至还没毕业的小青年, 每周工作120小时, 包括老马在内每天在办公大楼里吃睡, 每天要找出10亿美元的政府浪费。
现在是老马的零时工, 将来在工业界前途无量, 至少老马的几个大厂里有重要职位等着。
USAID 被这些牛蛙查出的浪费包括
USAID spent:
$2.5 million to promote DEI in Serbia
$70,000 for a DEI musical in Ireland
$47,000 for a transgender opera in Columbia and;
$32,000 for a transgender comic book in Peru
要搞DEI你自己出钱啊, 为什么要用我的钱?
Trump spent over $100M of taxpayer funds on golf outings, and this was only through 2019.
Pay to clear the courses and bring in all the security, just to start. The best part is that he pays himself whenever he golfs at one of his own resorts.
He charges super-premium rates to secret service to use his golf carts. Not to mention what he charges them to stay at his resorts.
去查查当年的投票纪录, 平权法案是右派的功劳。 平权运动跟亚裔毫无关系。 即使是种族隔离年代, 亚裔也是隔离到白人里面。