This sounds odd, but it did happen. Only look back many years after with some hindsight had I realized that during college I was in a peculiar state of depression for extended period of time. No wise mature individuals or powerful right books there to assist me to see my reality.
Usually, when someone experiences physical or / and
emotional discomfort, they know it. The reason why they don’t seek help is because they don’t realize what the difference is between depression mood and major depression disorder (MDD). As far as medical observation is concerned, MDD has obvious brain organic lesions, whereas depression mood do not.
1) 无论待在哪个地方或某个 group, 暗的或亮的, 但凡有人陪伴, 但凡陪伴让你温暖, 舒服, 就待着; 反之, 离开.
2) 做自己想做的, 吃自己想吃的, 誓如, 不想看书, 那就不看; 大白天若想小憩, 就眯一会儿.
3) 一天之中, 或一周之内, 情绪起伏起落, 像在大海漂流, 顺流逆流, 不要怕, 你穿着救生衣.
4) 你的救生衣是综合性治疗, 服低剂量的合适的抗抑郁药, 加上唱歌, 运动, 插花, 食疗, 香薰, 看看女儿们小时候的照片等. 不要太心急, 身体的自我修复能力一旦唤醒, 会好起来的.
5) 有时候, 虽然没有回复你, 但来茶馆的关心你的朋友们, 都在听.
6) 你擅烹饪, 考虑一些食疗, 誓如:
或头疼, 听铃兰说几句话, 就不痛了, 骗你是小狗
言语可以是良药, 也可以是毒药.
医术精湛. 裱起来放画框, 挂在我的办公室了.
今天, 收到来自网上你的这四个字, 蛮开心的.
今天说了太多工作上的事, 严重违反上网的初衷
This sounds odd, but it did happen. Only look back many years after with some hindsight had I realized that during college I was in a peculiar state of depression for extended period of time. No wise mature individuals or powerful right books there to assist me to see my reality.
emotional discomfort, they know it. The reason why they don’t seek help is because they don’t realize what the difference is between depression mood and major depression disorder (MDD). As far as medical observation is concerned, MDD has obvious brain organic lesions, whereas depression mood do not.