to Enforce New IMG Law, — Members skeptical of verification process, concerned about patient safety
Last year TN passed a new law that fast-tracked the licensing of IMGs without requiring US residency training.
This week the TN Medical Board voted not to comply with the law which they felt would force them to violate their medical ethics
After much back and forth, the board voted not to create an application form for IMGs to use, and defied their legislative mandate. It approved posting an explanation of its policy on its website with an FAQ, which simply says, “At this time, the Board does not have an application.”
The Medical Board cited issues with the verification of experience a foreign doctor might claim as well as an inability to complete criminal and malpractice background checks on foreign applicants.
我预测最高兴的是HF买的clinic 现在这些clinics最头疼没有足够医生一旦他们买下来。当然最高兴还有印度医生加勒比医生。原来加勒比毕业生最头疼不就是进不去美国住院医program么。还有大洋葱,他肯定来庆祝。
解决方案还是国会立法, 让AI 医生就业。
to Enforce New IMG Law, — Members skeptical of verification process, concerned about patient safety
Last year TN passed a new law that fast-tracked the licensing of IMGs without requiring US residency training.
This week the TN Medical Board voted not to comply with the law which they felt would force them to violate their medical ethics
The Medical Board cited issues with the verification of experience a foreign doctor might claim as well as an inability to complete criminal and malpractice background checks on foreign applicants.
学生在这个阶段学的最多,成长最快,住院医,不是医学院,是真正学习医学的阶段。而美国比世界上任何地方住院医接触的多而广。Step 2 也是最重要的执照考试(个人认为)。我不清楚是不是还是外国人也必须通过USMLE 吧。