18.03 (Differential Equations) is required of Mathematics majors. It has (any flavor of) 18.01 as a prerequisite and (any flavor of) 18.02 as a corequisite.
18.152 (Partial Differential Equations) A rigorous treatment of linear PDEs, with an introduction to some nonlinear examples. The differential equations treated in this course are essentially the same as those studied in 18.303, but the power of 18.100 allows a deeper treatment. Prerequisites: 18.100 (Real Analysis) and Linear Algebra.
P不少女生放弃M;虽然t5 出来差不多,M进去的时候可能高好几个层次,比如O金和aime 的差别。
娃去年上的一门Game Theory,第一次考试30分满分,平均分29.5.
成绩差的可能才会有这样情况, 而且惩罚严重学生都知道,好学生不太会因小失大
M 这么多Putnam,数学考得好很正常, 这类往往还是游戏生,成绩波动也可以理解。记得有个O 自己在油管上说第一年还是第一学期还好是M 可以选择pass , 打游戏太多了。
我自己学过 经济系的game theory。IXO学生学这种课应该是随便的一门选修课,来调剂生活,和他们学个艺术课差不多。
18.03 (Differential Equations) is required of Mathematics majors. It has (any flavor of) 18.01 as a prerequisite and (any flavor of) 18.02 as a corequisite.
18.152 (Partial Differential Equations) A rigorous treatment of linear PDEs, with an introduction to some nonlinear examples. The differential equations treated in this course are essentially the same as those studied in 18.303, but the power of 18.100 allows a deeper treatment. Prerequisites: 18.100 (Real Analysis) and Linear Algebra.