Totally agree. Good far outnumber bad, by N degree
Train needs to use Atalo if you take coach car. Trenitalia you need to take first car to get some quietness.
F is not much more than Coach if you buy early, like 45 to 60 days before.
Atalo has a special 2 to 8 persons travel together, very favorable pricing. Of course it does not fit those who travel alone. But it is a steal for those travel as a couple or more persons together.
OP does not really know much about Italy and how many good things Italy offers. So be it. Those like you and many others who know, would actually prefer more and more people put Italy on No Go List - make Italy Less Crowded by uninitiated visitors.
As your train issue, both Trenitalia and Atalo have a BOOTH just in front of the platform entrance - you just need to to there to get this thing fixed. Very easy.
Besides, why use Trenitalia vers the private train Atalo now it has many routes, with all major routes covered. Much nicer seats if you take Coach. If you take first classs then Trenitalia actually slightly better for those travel as a group because they have 1 and 1 sit face to face.
F is not much more than coach, may be 30% higher when buy it early. WELL WORTH the extra euro spent.
He also can go to regentrified Garibaldi Train station area
and the nearby vicinity.
Google, IBM, and a few other names, have their HQs there. If his preference is clean and tidy, shining buildings, he should go there.
I wonder if he even went inside Milan Cathedral, or the high end department store building top level where there are several eateries that let you get up close to the Milan Catherdral's amazing sculptures. BTW even on a budget you can still afford to eat a burger there, as long as you dont order drinks!
Rome's churches many of them are truly treasures to be seen, not just the familiar tourist spots that most likely are all he went to check off his "buck list".
That is your problem 谁会去读邮件中的废话?because it is NOT 废话.
They gave you instruction but you chose to gross over it because you have made "hundreds" of e-tickets. When things do not operate as you assume, but the company gives you clear instruction in their confirmation email, then you did not follow thru, but had the nerve to complain? Really? Seriously?
1)这次只是去匈牙利半个来月办点私事。 不过还是抽时间逛了匈牙利的第二大城市Debrecen和第三大城市Szeged。 很奇怪匈牙利除了布达佩斯极端的高大上,算是欧洲城市的顶级了,其他的城市都有些乏善可陈。 不像比如波兰等,很多城市都很值得一逛。
2)由于回程机票是在罗马, 所以借机逛了米兰,佛洛伦萨和比萨。 阿历克斯以前只去过意大利的罗马和威尼斯,经常说要给意大利专留很长一段时间,像以前希腊一样至少一个月。 这次逛完以后印象很差,忍不住来吐槽几句:除了那几个被历史框着不得不去看的几个地方, 各意大利的城市都是些什么破玩意啊!灰头土脸,破败不堪,垃圾满地,黑墓三满街乱窜。 还什么G7国家,,别说跟德奥比了,从市容上看比波兰,斯洛伐克等差远了。
school 都没有,非欧游客哪里搞手机短信?被这脑残气得火冒三杖。
另外,大名鼎鼎的Trenitalia, 电子票上没有码,没法扫码进月台,阿历克斯只能像条鱼跟在一个妞后面混了进去。后来跟查票的吐槽,她说要点一个link去下载码,这脑残非要搞两步,直接印到电子票上有多难吗?那查票的要读电子票上的7,8 个号码,手动输入验证,也不觉得烦。
关键是另外某些车次的票上有码。 混乱不堪。
在米兰看最后的晚餐名作,斯卡拉歌剧院, 大教堂,别去看地上垃圾。
Train needs to use Atalo if you take coach car. Trenitalia you need to take first car to get some quietness.
F is not much more than Coach if you buy early, like 45 to 60 days before.
Atalo has a special 2 to 8 persons travel together, very favorable pricing. Of course it does not fit those who travel alone. But it is a steal for those travel as a couple or more persons together.
OP does not really know much about Italy and how many good things Italy offers. So be it. Those like you and many others who know, would actually prefer more and more people put Italy on No Go List - make Italy Less Crowded by uninitiated visitors.
As your train issue, both Trenitalia and Atalo have a BOOTH just in front of the platform entrance - you just need to to there to get this thing fixed. Very easy.
Besides, why use Trenitalia vers the private train Atalo now it has many routes, with all major routes covered. Much nicer seats if you take Coach. If you take first classs then Trenitalia actually slightly better for those travel as a group because they have 1 and 1 sit face to face.
F is not much more than coach, may be 30% higher when buy it early. WELL WORTH the extra euro spent.
Agree with you 100%.
and the nearby vicinity.
Google, IBM, and a few other names, have their HQs there. If his preference is clean and tidy, shining buildings, he should go there.
I wonder if he even went inside Milan Cathedral, or the high end department store building top level where there are several eateries that let you get up close to the Milan Catherdral's amazing sculptures. BTW even on a budget you can still afford to eat a burger there, as long as you dont order drinks!
Rome's churches many of them are truly treasures to be seen, not just the familiar tourist spots that most likely are all he went to check off his "buck list".
They gave you instruction but you chose to gross over it because you have made "hundreds" of e-tickets. When things do not operate as you assume, but the company gives you clear instruction in their confirmation email, then you did not follow thru, but had the nerve to complain? Really? Seriously?
罗马的随便一块石头就是4,5 百年历史,你要把它与现代化大楼比?
名画“最后的晚餐”去看了吗?Duomo 边上的高级购物中心去了吗?
斯卡拉歌剧院去听歌剧了吗? 人家2,3百年之前,就在那里欣赏歌剧了。
你这么judge 意大利,我也可以说你有点儿Arrogant.
抱歉,我不知道如何让照片直立。 但你仍然可以轻松地看。
那片开满野花的田野就在一条非常繁忙的大道旁边。 这只是场地的一角。 这是一个社区项目,是政府、大企业和当地社区之间的合作,为人们创造一个享受的“绿色空间”。 附近有一个大图书馆。 您可以看到 IBM 的总部在那里(2 个建筑物)
你认为这是楼主苦苦抱怨的那样, 又脏又乱吗?
他可能没有 visit Castello Sforza and the museum there.
再加上几乎所有美国高科技公司总部都设在near Garibaldi station area。 屡获殊荣的现代建筑,也是散步和吃饭的好地方。 他应该访问该地区的 Etaly,因为多伦多就有一个。
意大利湖区,3个主要湖泊中的2个 Lake Como and Lake Maggiore 距离米兰不到 1 小时 交通。
你这个是强词夺理 而且经常在你的贴子里发生。
花些錢買好 Tour 可以在其它不愿意花多一点钱的人早一些进入 少很多遊人 参观的体验绝对比你窮遊的好。
这个是资本主义社会 一分钱一分货。即使是看景点 花些额外錢的体验比只付入塲费的你肯定好一些。不用说其他各方面影响体验的住宿 周遭环境等等了。而且也不用花多少 extra money. 但是换来良好的体验 和你现在糟糕的感受 真是不可同日而语。
而且你有些吐槽完全是自己的错,比如不看 Trenitalia 电邮里的指示。然后在火车站又不懂去找 它的 customer service booth, 就在进入月台前的長廊上。 Both Trenitalia and iTalo 都有一个有人值班的小 booth。去排个小队 到窗口求助 人家可能就是开个闸给你过去了。
还有,我怀疑第一个跟贴 ”糟多无口“ 的意思你可能完全搞反了。我看了你的吐槽贴 第一个感觉是 里面的糟点太多根本无從下笔指正那些错误。然后你还来两个 personal attack... 不过这也不是你第一次了。以前你就攻击过雲燕假日 说什么 “你们这些國女” 那些很岐视的语言。 雲燕完全不賣帐把你怼回去了。 你呀,我看来就是一个習惯强詞夺理的人。
再说了,阿历克斯56 岁就退休了。去年8个月的欧洲穷游,不比您哪几次富游花钱少。
你才是莫名其妙。 说理说不过了就人身攻击,或者说是半开玩笑的貼..有没有比这更 low 点呵?
而且我离开 corporate world 的岁数可比你早二十岁。有什么可以炫耀的? 你不炫耀我也不会无端提起 但既然你要说这八个月的窮遊费用 我都不知如何跟你比較了.疫情前过去十多二十年每年在外晃幾乎三个月,还是环遊地球一个圈子那种游荡。你要把你用了八个月窮遊欧洲來和我的旅行花费比较,有什么意思?
谁管谁用了多少钱,能够花得起 自己不心疼 就可以花。 你怎么花法关他人什么事? 但你总不能否認体验花费绝大部分的时间成正比吧?注意!说的是体验!所以你怼他人驾法拉利进梵帝岗是毫无道理。 肯花钱订高级 tour 肯定比普通票的人有更好的体验。而你連这个事实都不肯承认 遑论接受了。