转发:今晚我给PaloAlto家长微信群发的消息( 欢迎转发):我儿子Stanley今年从GunnHigh 毕业。他申请大学和入职Google的事情可能值 得和这个社区分享一下。我们一直深知亚裔男生 在大学申请时的艰难处境,但是难度仍然超出了 我们的想象。他从小酷爱编程,得过不少的奖 项,包括进入GoogleCodeJam半决赛。他申请 了十几所大学的CSprogram,但基本上都被拒 了(包括几平所有的UCschoolsandCAState )。所幸他做的startup引起了Amazon和 Google AJ%. Google already hired him as an L4 engineer, a position that requires multiple yearsofprofessionalexperience。他的情況作力 一个例证,已经在9/28/2023的国会听证中提交 给了众议院的教育委员会。我们也向教育部递交 了civilrightdiscriminationcomplaint。如果大家 想一起维护自己孩子的权益,或者为有条件的孩 子提供一条新的不依赖大学的路径,有没有谁想 深入讨论并且采取一些具体行动?关于Stanley 申请大学和入职Google的具体情况,可以参见 这个链接:https://docs.google.com/document/ d/e/2PACX-1vSQykM8hkz9lrdn3GM8DOxOD4
Stanley Zhong graduated from high school in June 2023. Starting in 2020, he built an e-signing startup (details below) that is featured in an Amazon Web Services case study. That led to multiple companies interviewing him for full-time jobs despite the slow IT job market. Shortly after he turned 18, Google hired him as an L4 software engineer, a position typically offered to candidates with multiple years of professional experience as well as a college degree.
In contrast, his college application results were underwhelming. He applied to the Computer Science programs. All but two colleges (listed below) rejected his application.
MIT CMU Stanford UC Berkeley UC LA UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Davis California Polytechnic State University Cornell University Univ of Illinois Univ of Michigan Georgia Tech Cal Tech Univ of Wisconsin Univ of Washington
Only Univ of Texas and Univ of Maryland accepted his application.
Here are some highlights of his application.
Advanced to the Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final. Led his team to the 2nd place in MIT Battlecode''s global high school division (1st place in the US). Invited to MIT with expenses paid. Created an e-signing startup (RabbitSign.com) that has grown to tens of thousands of users organically. An Amazon Web Services Well-Architected Review concluded that it "is one of the most efficient and secure accounts" they have reviewed. Amazon Web Services is publishing a case study featuring RabbitSign for its exemplary use of AWS Serverless and compliance services. Designed, implemented and operated the web frontend, RESTful APIs, workflow orchestration, metrics and alerting, horizontal scaling, CDN, rate limiting, security hardening (including intrusion detection and DDoS protection), compliance monitoring, internationalization, and disaster recovery. Passed multi-week whitebox pentest with no major security issues discovered. Wrote comprehensive unit tests, continuous API Postman tests, and end-to-end Selenium tests. Negotiated a 90% discount (worth $40K+) for compliance audits. After working with the auditors over several quarters, RabbitSign is now the world''s only provider of unlimited free SOC 2-, ISO 27001- and HIPAA-compliant e-signing. Co-founded a non-profit that brings free coding lessons to kids in underserved communities. He recruited and built a volunteer team made of 20+ industry professionals, Stanford postdoc and high schoolers. Over 2 years, the team taught 500+ kids in California, Washington and Texas. National Merit Scholarship finalist SAT: 1590 GPA (UW/W): 3.97/4.42
欢迎转发):我儿子Stanley今年从GunnHigh 毕业。他申请大学和入职Google的事情可能值 得和这个社区分享一下。我们一直深知亚裔男生 在大学申请时的艰难处境,但是难度仍然超出了 我们的想象。他从小酷爱编程,得过不少的奖 项,包括进入GoogleCodeJam半决赛。他申请
)。所幸他做的startup引起了Amazon和 Google AJ%. Google already hired him as an
L4 engineer, a position that requires multiple
yearsofprofessionalexperience。他的情況作力 一个例证,已经在9/28/2023的国会听证中提交
了civilrightdiscriminationcomplaint。如果大家 想一起维护自己孩子的权益,或者为有条件的孩 子提供一条新的不依赖大学的路径,有没有谁想
申请大学和入职Google的具体情况,可以参见 这个链接:https://docs.google.com/document/
Stanley Zhong graduated from high school in June 2023. Starting in 2020, he built an e-signing startup (details below) that is featured in an Amazon Web Services case study. That led to multiple companies interviewing him for full-time jobs despite the slow IT job market. Shortly after he turned 18, Google hired him as an L4 software engineer, a position typically offered to candidates with multiple years of professional experience as well as a college degree.
In contrast, his college application results were underwhelming. He applied to the Computer Science programs. All but two colleges (listed below) rejected his application.
MIT CMU Stanford UC Berkeley UC LA UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Davis California Polytechnic State University Cornell University Univ of Illinois Univ of Michigan Georgia Tech Cal Tech Univ of Wisconsin Univ of WashingtonOnly Univ of Texas and Univ of Maryland accepted his application.
Here are some highlights of his application.
Advanced to the Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final. Led his team to the 2nd place in MIT Battlecode''s global high school division (1st place in the US). Invited to MIT with expenses paid. Created an e-signing startup (RabbitSign.com) that has grown to tens of thousands of users organically. An Amazon Web Services Well-Architected Review concluded that it "is one of the most efficient and secure accounts" they have reviewed. Amazon Web Services is publishing a case study featuring RabbitSign for its exemplary use of AWS Serverless and compliance services. Designed, implemented and operated the web frontend, RESTful APIs, workflow orchestration, metrics and alerting, horizontal scaling, CDN, rate limiting, security hardening (including intrusion detection and DDoS protection), compliance monitoring, internationalization, and disaster recovery. Passed multi-week whitebox pentest with no major security issues discovered. Wrote comprehensive unit tests, continuous API Postman tests, and end-to-end Selenium tests. Negotiated a 90% discount (worth $40K+) for compliance audits. After working with the auditors over several quarters, RabbitSign is now the world''s only provider of unlimited free SOC 2-, ISO 27001- and HIPAA-compliant e-signing. Co-founded a non-profit that brings free coding lessons to kids in underserved communities. He recruited and built a volunteer team made of 20+ industry professionals, Stanford postdoc and high schoolers. Over 2 years, the team taught 500+ kids in California, Washington and Texas. National Merit Scholarship finalist SAT: 1590 GPA (UW/W): 3.97/4.42这么多亚裔牛娃自相残杀,真是可惜了。学点别的工程不可以吗?当然这个娃的passion确实在CS上
我村第一,没有写过一行code,也进了uiuc cs
这娃非常聪明,一看就是natural beauty。
大学跟Google 需求的人不同
的确是牛蛙, 学渣进来崇拜一下
也挤进难进的专业,两年后转出来. LOL 相比之下华人的孩子普遍都挺努力的成绩要好很多. 有不公平的事确实要发声
不太了解,听到弱点是学校rank 20% 以外。就这一点,会不会申CS初选就被刷了?他的高SAT, UC申请上不是说没地方填吗?人家不看啊。
那告的应该是UC 整个这个系统?
华人家长总有个认识误区,小中特别是小中男在招生时被歧视,是不是真的被歧视,我也没有资格说,但你去T5看一下,小中男小中女还真的不少,有20-30%,你要知道亚裔在美国的人口也只占4%左右。有这样想法的人,他们的思维停留在中国的高考制度上,录取按高考成绩从头往下来,但美国不是啊 !