8 老师 兄弟姐妹移民

楼主 (文学城)

8 老师, 兄弟姐妹移民因为是共产党员被拒签了。兄弟无所谓, 只是侄女想来美国!有什么办法吗?侄女不是共产党党员。领事馆会单独发签证给侄女吗?美国应该不会搞株连这套吧?


8 老师, 兄弟姐妹移民因为是共产党员被拒签了。兄弟无所谓, 只是侄女想来美国!有什么办法吗?侄女不是共产党党员。领事馆会单独发签证给侄女吗?美国应该不会搞株连这套吧?

-If your brother is not qulaifed for the immigrant visa, then the entire family members are not qulaifed for the immigrant visa either becuase your brother is the primary beneficiary. So, your brother had better explain why he joined the Party (e.g. emloyment, promotion needed, etc.), what activities he participated in (e.g., Party group routine meeting, activities, etc.) following the requirement in the US Consulate letter. You may consult a immigrant lawyer.

谢谢8 老师! 请律师是在美国请还是在中国请?我兄弟不愿写是被迫加入

共产党, 他说美国不是信仰自由吗?共产主义就是他的信仰!现在她侄女很伤心, 不能回来完成学业。不知道怎么办!


共产党, 他说美国不是信仰自由吗?共产主义就是他的信仰!现在她侄女很伤心, 不能回来完成学业。不知道怎么办!

-He does not need to abandon his Party membership. Just answer the questions in the US Consulate letter and provide it to the US Consulate such as it is necessary for him to join the Party for his empoyment and postion promotion (it is true, isn't it?), etc. Many Chinese Communist Party members have immigrated to US. So, as long as he answers the questions well, he has a big chance to get the visa.

I don't know whether there is an immigant lawyer in China who deals with immigration issue to US. If no, you may consult an immigrant lawyer in US who was born from Mainland China. 

好的! 感谢8 老师