两个在白宫做过饭的厨子非正常死亡,居然在文化走廊掀起了波澜。后果是: 1. 小丸子不敢做菜了。别问为什么,她觉得自己厨艺如果继续发展,会被绑架到白宫当厨子,然后生命难保; 2. 一剑被嘲笑了。凡是大家有点想不通的事情,都需要一剑解释。谁让一剑反对阴谋论。哈哈, 解释不了了吧?两个做菜的都那啥了,不是阴谋是神马。 好吧,一剑列几点,大家思考。首先澄清一下,白宫大厨(The executive chef in White House)和白宫厨子(White House chef)是两个概念。白宫大厨是官职,直接由第一夫人聘用。白宫厨子就是一般厨子,归白宫大厨领导. 好,先说说白宫大厨。 List of executive chefs No. Name Term 4 Hans Raffert 1988–1992 5 Pierre Chambrin 1992–1994 6 Walter Scheib 1994–2005 7 Cristeta Comerford 2005–present 出事的那个白宫大厨Walter Scheib在白宫干了11年,2005年在布什当总统的时候,被一位亚裔女士Cristeta Comerford替代。10年后,2015年Walter Scheib非正常死亡(尸体被发现在某山区)。 死后,Clinton夫妇表示过悲痛。 最近另一个厨子游泳时淹死了。这人叫Tafari Campbel。曾经做过白宫厨子,后来奥巴马想念他做的菜,于是就聘他做了自家厨子。抄一段介绍吧: Tafari Campbell — a former White House sous chef who later became the Obama family's personal chef — is being remembered after he died following a Sunday evening paddle boarding incident near the Obamas' Katama estate on Martha's Vineyard. Campbell, who was 45, was remembered fondly by former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama, who called him "a truly wonderful man" in a joint statement on Monday. "Today we join everyone who knew and loved Tafari — especially his wife Sherise and their twin boys, Xavier and Savin — in grieving the loss of a truly wonderful man," the couple said in the statement, which was sent to PEOPLE. 将这两件事联系起来,小丸子居然说她不敢做天下第一厨,你说矫情不矫情。看看那个现任的亚裔女士Cristeta Comerford,从2005年做白宫大厨到现在,历任布什,奥巴马,川普和拜登四任总统,身体健康,精神愉快,天天唱着山歌做美食。她为何就不怕? 阴谋论支持者估计会说: 那个人不关心政治,对深层政府不关心,所以大家不觉得她危险。 一剑不怀好意地推论一下:小丸子如果感觉到危险, 是不是和她能做好菜没关系? 是不是和她做天下第一厨的理想没关系? 好了,先说这些。有疑问的话我再解答。对小丸子呢,我送她一个视频,希望能消除她受到的惊吓。
还有就是从2011年开始O8在白宫酿造啤酒,一共酿造了三种酒:白宫蜂蜜爱尔棕啤(White House Honey Brown Ale);白宫蜂蜜波特酒(White House Honey Porter )以及白宫蜂蜜金啤(White House Honey Blonde )。坎贝尔使用第一夫人米歇尔南草坪花园的蜂蜜,酿造出的白宫蜂蜜艾尔啤酒比较闻名。
Campbell often took to Instagram to share his culinary creations and was one of the chefs who brewed White House honey ale beer, using honey from Michelle's South Lawn garden while Barack was in office. In 2012, the White House released a video of Campbell and then-assistant chef Sam Kass demonstrating the beer-making process, per The Washington Post. https://people.com/who-is-tafari-campbell-obamas-chef-died-paddle-boarding-7565411
是3~4.3英尺,整个pond 面积大概是800多acres。https://massachusettspaddler.com/edgartown-great-pond-edgartown-dukes-county
还有就是从2011年开始O8在白宫酿造啤酒,一共酿造了三种酒:白宫蜂蜜爱尔棕啤(White House Honey Brown Ale);白宫蜂蜜波特酒(White House Honey Porter )以及白宫蜂蜜金啤(White House Honey Blonde )。坎贝尔使用第一夫人米歇尔南草坪花园的蜂蜜,酿造出的白宫蜂蜜艾尔啤酒比较闻名。
Campbell often took to Instagram to share his culinary creations and was one of the chefs who brewed White House honey ale beer, using honey from Michelle's South Lawn garden while Barack was in office. In 2012, the White House released a video of Campbell and then-assistant chef Sam Kass demonstrating the beer-making process, per The Washington Post. https://people.com/who-is-tafari-campbell-obamas-chef-died-paddle-boarding-7565411