Keep making the effort. But the outcome is not upto you. Your boss believes what he wants to believe, over which you have no control.
Find things to do outside of the office. A job should not be the only place where one finds her identity. Ironically, when you have a richer life outside of the office, your life inside might get easier, because you no longer depend on validations from your boss, whose leverage over you will lessen and will have to find other ways to compensate.
As the saying goes, no one on her deathbed wished she had spent more time in the office.
-- 好啊!舒服的公司金不换。
-- 舒服的公司高高兴兴稀里糊涂的呆着,升不升级随它去。
-- 心态的改变是最重要的改变;
-- 想老板所想, 帮老板所需,只要明天还在就好。
-- 尽早让自己进阶到职场生涯第二阶段,玫瑰零零的烦恼皆无。
Keep making the effort. But the outcome is not upto you. Your boss believes what he wants to believe, over which you have no control.
Find things to do outside of the office. A job should not be the only place where one finds her identity. Ironically, when you have a richer life outside of the office, your life inside might get easier, because you no longer depend on validations from your boss, whose leverage over you will lessen and will have to find other ways to compensate.
As the saying goes, no one on her deathbed wished she had spent more time in the office.
1. 把想升的级别的职责找出来,对着一条一条的和现在干的活儿连起来。
2. 把改进现状的计划写出来。
3. 和大老板谈,用现在的能力去消除他对你的偏见。你不说,他怎么知道你的进步。
换工作时找一个级别高的工作,比要求升级容易一些。如果换工作,聘方不会考虑是35+,45+ 还是55+,因为年龄不同,经验不同。最重要的是能力与年龄无关。有能力的55+, 比混日子的35+ 好的多。