A lawyer's job is never to play God and determine who was just or unjust(同意您), nor is it their job to determine who violated the law. In criminal matters, the trier of fact or the jury is the ultimate arbiter of who violates the law. A lawyer's role is also not one that engages in a scavenger hunt in attempt to find out what code sections were broken as any police officer without formal law education can adequately perform that task. Persuasiveness is the key to the art of lawyering.
呵呵,A good lawyer can argue both sides equally strong based on the same law and codes. 還沒完,需要些時间。我可不是從google or chatgpt 弄来的。也希望这对同学们在职场上需找律师時有帮助。 More will be coming .
A good lawyer advocates. A real lawyer's task is to properly
A good lawyer advocates. A real lawyer's task is to properly advocate for his client even if he/she does not agree with his/her client's position. Being a fine lawyer demands a true understanding of one's client(s) case, issues, and facts and having the mental acuity to 1) find and review old case law (precedent) in your client's favor based on your client's fact pattern. 2) critically analyze (compare and contrast) your client's facts to the facts of precedent cases and ... 呵呵!說了半天还没完,More will be arriving.
一,在无论公司还是政府机构,员工和上层发生冲突,除非非常显性,否则很难构成所谓霸凌骚扰等罪名。很多东西是隐性的。若有若无很难界定。正是这种若有若无的“不友好”氛围构成一个地方的毒性文化。在一个地方待着觉得能基本顺利工作下去,就算不差的环境; 连基本工作都被阻隔,则不宜久留;
我很佩服你秋菊打官司的精神。 但生命是宝贵的。把有限的生命用于有意义的事情上。和不公正做斗争以推动社会的进步,连律师都不以此为信条了。和“恶势力”斗, 第一花费大量的时间;第二花费大量的心力;第三很多情绪的损伤;第四真的我个人以为很多时候在这种争斗中要以毒攻毒才能赢。而我们真的愿意也变成对方那样的心态和为人吗? 在争斗中看到很多人性的 “恶”,会造成很多心理冲击。
我已经在我昨天的贴里加了一个结局篇。这件事情终于可以翻篇了。我尤其认同您提到的“真的我个人以为很多时候在这种争斗中要以毒攻毒才能赢。而我们真的愿意也变成对方那样的心态和为人吗? 在争斗中看到很多人性的 “恶”,会造成很多心理冲击。”。我其实还是很在乎我在单位里那些我喜欢的人眼里自己的形象的。我怀疑通过这件事,估计我的形象都受损了(:
是的。大概我是想说,美国的法律体系很完善,法律各种条款很清楚。法律就像核武器, 基本是威慑潜在罪犯的。有它在,好人才放心。不到万不得已不要打官司 (用核武)。 不知道这个比喻是否恰当。哈哈。
哪里都有问题。经历多了比较能分辨哪种属于MANAGEBLE 哪种属于不行赶快走人的那类。及时止损也是一种能力。一个单位的情势太错综复杂,就没必要耗下去。我很欣赏不辞而别的那个副总 (虽然觉得她口头通知下再走更好)。情势不妙,多说一句都是浪费生命。
A lawyer's job is never to play God and determine who was just or unjust(同意您), nor is it their job to determine who violated the law. In criminal matters, the trier of fact or the jury is the ultimate arbiter of who violates the law. A lawyer's role is also not one that engages in a scavenger hunt in attempt to find out what code sections were broken as any police officer without formal law education can adequately perform that task. Persuasiveness is the key to the art of lawyering.
呵呵,A good lawyer can argue both sides equally strong based on the same law and codes.
還沒完,需要些時间。我可不是從google or chatgpt 弄来的。也希望这对同学们在职场上需找律师時有帮助。 More will be coming .
A good lawyer advocates. A real lawyer's task is to properly advocate for his client even if he/she does not agree with his/her client's position. Being a fine lawyer demands a true understanding of one's client(s) case, issues, and facts and having the mental acuity to
1) find and review old case law (precedent) in your client's favor based on your client's fact pattern.
2) critically analyze (compare and contrast) your client's facts to the facts of precedent cases and ...
呵呵!說了半天还没完,More will be arriving.