When you mentioned your concerns, what you were actually doing was unloading what was on your own shoulders onto the person on the other end of the line.
No one likes that, consciously or subconsciously.
Carry your own weight, be willing to take the blame. Managers like the ones who take charge and take responsibility.
(When you sell your house and the buyer puts a lot of contingency clauses in the contract, your confidence in closing the deal diminishes.)
几年前拿过这家公司的offer,由于一些原因没接去了另一家公司,今年想重新找工作,就联系了一下一个在我linkedin contact上的hr问她今年该公司会不会有我这个level的 opening,她很热情的问了他们的senior leader说Q2可能有,还说让我和领导们谈谈。
我说非常愿意谈,不过我现在actively looking如果在opening出来之前找到了别的的工作,她们公司领导会不会不高兴而burn the bridge,我不希望如此因为还是非常想将来去他们公司的。她非常热情的表示不会,还说一切都是timing, 对高层来说最重要的是build relationship 和connection, 说帮我问高层什么时候能meet 我,如果上周五之前没联系我让我remind她。
结果我就再也没有hear back了,我这周一联系她也没有回音了,今早我又发封信表示对他们公司很感兴趣, 希望能有机会explore opportunity,也是毫无下文。
When you mentioned your concerns, what you were actually doing was unloading what was on your own shoulders onto the person on the other end of the line.
No one likes that, consciously or subconsciously.
Carry your own weight, be willing to take the blame. Managers like the ones who take charge and take responsibility.
(When you sell your house and the buyer puts a lot of contingency clauses in the contract, your confidence in closing the deal diminishes.)