Moving from accounting to AI is bold and I kindly suggest you think it a bit:
1. Why don't you move upon what you already have in the field of accounting? Accounting is still a good career field. You may be able to achieve a similar result within accounting field with only a half or a quarter of the effort you may need for the success in AI. If I were you I would expand my knowledge areas and abilities to be become an expert, specialist, manager, CFO,.... That would be much easier and more enjoyable than going down route to AI. Unless you don't like your job and enjoy studying.
2. I almost think moving from accounting to AI is a waste of your 10 years investment in time, effort, perhaps money for that career.
Just my thoughts and hope it turns out to be a help.
Moving from accounting to AI is bold and I kindly suggest you think it a bit:
1. Why don't you move upon what you already have in the field of accounting? Accounting is still a good career field. You may be able to achieve a similar result within accounting field with only a half or a quarter of the effort you may need for the success in AI. If I were you I would expand my knowledge areas and abilities to be become an expert, specialist, manager, CFO,.... That would be much easier and more enjoyable than going down route to AI. Unless you don't like your job and enjoy studying.
2. I almost think moving from accounting to AI is a waste of your 10 years investment in time, effort, perhaps money for that career.
Just my thoughts and hope it turns out to be a help.
而不是换专业。学 AI的人大把,比你年轻,你你的优势势在哪?
我的总体意思是: 不要因为英语能力差些就畏怯了,做管理者考量的是综合能力,取长补短,未必就不可行.
其实你仔细看看senior management的communications,没有几个长篇大论,废话连篇的, 基本都是几个要点,简单直接。
上个月我们VP org structure变更,负责这方面的人还专门跟我们这些相关人员联系了解,就是为了整理后发表统一的announcement的。这些职位,确实都是英语是母语的,而且口头笔头都不能差的人来担当的。
跟你一样,我也是特别喜欢学习的, 全职工作,半職讀書,去年博士畢業了。現在準備再拿一個AI的graduate certificate. 因為讀書都是可以有tuition waive的。
我觉得與其從最開始學起,不如找到你到底要用AI的哪個方面,因為你不可能一個人从最开始到最好完全承包一个AI的产品。比如说我,我感兴趣的是人机对话,用于教育,所以我就到 Amazon Alexa, 和讯飞的开放平台,学习如何用他们已有的 code 做成我所需要的产品。
Moving from accounting to AI is bold and I kindly suggest you think it a bit:
1. Why don't you move upon what you already have in the field of accounting? Accounting is still a good career field. You may be able to achieve a similar result within accounting field with only a half or a quarter of the effort you may need for the success in AI. If I were you I would expand my knowledge areas and abilities to be become an expert, specialist, manager, CFO,.... That would be much easier and more enjoyable than going down route to AI. Unless you don't like your job and enjoy studying.
2. I almost think moving from accounting to AI is a waste of your 10 years investment in time, effort, perhaps money for that career.
Just my thoughts and hope it turns out to be a help.
Moving from accounting to AI is bold and I kindly suggest you think it a bit:
1. Why don't you move upon what you already have in the field of accounting? Accounting is still a good career field. You may be able to achieve a similar result within accounting field with only a half or a quarter of the effort you may need for the success in AI. If I were you I would expand my knowledge areas and abilities to be become an expert, specialist, manager, CFO,.... That would be much easier and more enjoyable than going down route to AI. Unless you don't like your job and enjoy studying.
2. I almost think moving from accounting to AI is a waste of your 10 years investment in time, effort, perhaps money for that career.
Just my thoughts and hope it turns out to be a help.