easy peasy replacing spark plug 2013 Honda civic, no valve cover removal, just straight to the coil ignition, take out the plug, put the new one in, and be done w it. IN between: I had to decide to hell disregard the specialty socket that has the rubber protection, it is long ago I can’t find it; just be careful not to be idiot to break the ceremic top of the plug. I did the anti seize and the lubricant for coil connection. DO NOT OVER TIGHT THE PLUG. car drives usual that I hope better mpg.
紧90度左右刚好达到预设torque。标定torque一般有个range,我是取中间值。因为force主要加在crush washer上,所以网上说的anti seize lubricant会改变torque是不对的。另外anti seize and the lubricant需要选spark plug专用,耐高温的。
IN between: I had to decide to hell disregard the specialty socket that has the rubber protection, it is long ago I can’t find it; just be careful not to be idiot to break the ceremic top of the plug. I did the anti seize and the lubricant for coil connection. DO NOT OVER TIGHT THE PLUG.
car drives usual that I hope better mpg.
紧90度左右刚好达到预设torque。标定torque一般有个range,我是取中间值。因为force主要加在crush washer上,所以网上说的anti seize lubricant会改变torque是不对的。另外anti seize and the lubricant需要选spark plug专用,耐高温的。
iradium plug gap adjustment is not recomented, why? bending the electrode could easily damage the iradium tip.