Infiniti QX60, 启动时有时(时间不定,有时一个星期来一次,有时2星期等)需要过长的时间才能启动,而且发动机有vibration(较轻微,手放在方向盘上能感觉得到)。车的油耗什么感觉没怎么变化。今天去dealer检查了一下,说要oil system not changed frequently causing excessive wear on time chain and sludge build up inside engine. 建议换engine。车18年的我刚开始在dealer换机油,最近几年没在它哪儿换了,但是每年1万麦还是换了的。大家觉得靠谱吗?
Another case of changing oil every 10K or more miles!
Nissan has used this V6 (incl. its varieties) in many of their performance cars at least for decades, as it is tuned for performance and maxmizing the power output, it is inclined to have more heat and wear than their peers V6 in Honda and Toyota.
if you don't change oil often, or on time, which is as minimum expense in terms of maintainence, you will very likely see sludge build up inside this V6 engine which will block oil passage and ruin some dedicated gaskets, and causing timing chain loosening, rattling, and kill it eventually.
Replacing the Timing chain, water pump, gaskets, will be equally expensive as replacing with an used engine in good condition, as this job needs to remove almost everything from bumper to the timing cover, too much labor involved, and not viewed as a DIY job.
Infiniti QX60, 启动时有时(时间不定,有时一个星期来一次,有时2星期等)需要过长的时间才能启动,而且发动机有vibration(较轻微,手放在方向盘上能感觉得到)。车的油耗什么感觉没怎么变化。今天去dealer检查了一下,说要oil system not changed frequently causing excessive wear on time chain and sludge build up inside engine. 建议换engine。车18年的我刚开始在dealer换机油,最近几年没在它哪儿换了,但是每年1万麦还是换了的。大家觉得靠谱吗?
是一份便宜的发动机保险。< 5K mile,我不超过4k。与此同时,勤换变速油、冷却水也很重要。
手上17年“新” 27.5万公里数2GR 3.5 V6机子,内部十分干净,工况正常如初。
Nissan has used this V6 (incl. its varieties) in many of their performance cars at least for decades, as it is tuned for performance and maxmizing the power output, it is inclined to have more heat and wear than their peers V6 in Honda and Toyota.
if you don't change oil often, or on time, which is as minimum expense in terms of maintainence, you will very likely see sludge build up inside this V6 engine which will block oil passage and ruin some dedicated gaskets, and causing timing chain loosening, rattling, and kill it eventually.
Replacing the Timing chain, water pump, gaskets, will be equally expensive as replacing with an used engine in good condition, as this job needs to remove almost everything from bumper to the timing cover, too much labor involved, and not viewed as a DIY job.
我也有一辆Nissan 六缸车。130k miles. 时不常会有那种tick声音. 应该是timing chain 发出的声音。因为发动机有点漏油,所以没有到换机油的时候,机油就已经偏少了,机油偏少的时候它就会发出这种声音。 现在大概1500Mile就需要加机油。修理timing chain的工作量太大了。我修过power steering leak, head gasket leaking, camshaft sensor 两次。以后不再买Nissan/Infiniti 车了只买Honda &Toyota