Kid decided to decline WashU’s waitlist. I asked her under the hypothetical scenario that she were accepted and she needs to choose btn Wellesley and WashU, how would she choose?. Her answer is W. There is her decision to decline the wait list. Anything we are missing here? Thanks!
made such choice, I would tell him that is not a smart way to made decision for his future career development. Get as much offers as possible and then make a choice. Keeping the offer alive does not cost/risk her anything. my 2 cents.
made such choice, I would tell him that is not a smart way to made decision for his future career development. Get as much offers as possible and then make a choice. Keeping the offer alive does not cost/risk her anything. my 2 cents.
Imagine everyone has the same mentalitly, then what happens? It inevitably hurts other applicants' interest , to say the least.
WashU 可能课的学生都是Wellesley 三倍多,但Wellesley 学医的好像不多,每年包括前届进医学院不到五十, 可能Wellesley 选择的学生比较活动多热情外向喜欢政经?
这两个比较难决定,虽然washU 位置差些.
当然WL就算了, off 30人左右希望不大,还要等着抄心,另一边已经开始on board orientation 认识同学.