Looking for black males interested in attending medical school!
There is a program between Tennessee State University and Meharry Medical College where the student would go to TSU for three years and then on to Meharry Medical College and finish to become an M.D. or D.D.S. in 7 years instead of the traditional 8 years. They have enough females already signed up for the program and no black males. If you know any black males who are high school seniors that want to become a medical doctor, have a 28 on the ACT and a 3.5 GPA, they have a chance to earn a possible free ride at Tennessee State University.
There is a program between Tennessee State University and Meharry Medical College where the student would go to TSU for three years and then on to Meharry Medical College and finish to become an M.D. or D.D.S. in 7 years instead of the traditional 8 years. They have enough females already signed up for the program and no black males. If you know any black males who are high school seniors that want to become a medical doctor, have a 28 on the ACT and a 3.5 GPA, they have a chance to earn a possible free ride at Tennessee State University.
投胎是个技术活儿,timing, location, ethnics, gender缺一不可
找黑人医生要调查好。几年前shingles,工作关系没有约上自己的医生,见了个有空的黑人女医生。我不是医生 都提醒她看看是不是shingles。她说不是,让我去买otc止疼药。
后来又去看了自己的医生,开了antivirus药。但是已经晚啦,全发出来。疼了很久 留疤什么的就不说啦,发的地方危险 有可能造成永久伤害。
在我们重灾区一个补习升学指导机构里就有一位非常出色的黑人小伙子,WashU 数学硕士毕业,不仅给孩子们上数学辅导课,据说还时不时举行心理辅导讲座。