My son's roommate (ABC) 's girlfriend is an ABK. She got a BS from top 3, and a MBA from top 3. Roommate on east coast and girlfriend on west coast.
She called her boyfriend in the morning to wake him up becasue he had a hard deadline and worked overnight. This girl is in CA. She woke up at 4:00 am to wake up the boyfriend so he could give the presentation in the morning!
She takes care of so many things for the boy, and even bought a birthday cake for his boyfriend's roommate on behalf of the boyfriend。 She ordered it online and had it delivered to the apartment.
- 优越的教育背景, 小中男不一定都上名校,至少都是很好的州大毕业,教育水平要远远高于其他族裔,这也决定了今后经济条件/家庭收入是比较好,而且稳定。现在已经是资本主义,不是原始社会,不必要比谁的肌肉大,谁跑得快,谁骨骼高大,我们比的是智力,有可能一下子不能看到,日久天长,就会体会到了。
- 良好的家庭背景,小中男许多都是老留的小孩,老留许多都是当年读博来美的,可能后来转了专业,作为父母的高智商,应该遗传给了小中男,好的基因是保证孙辈智力优秀的保证。 老留家庭条件一般都不错,也不会成为小孩的负担。
- 性格好,在良好的家庭成长起来的小孩,一般较少会有极端性格,温和的性格,这也为婚后和和谐谐做了铺垫。
My son's roommate (ABC) 's girlfriend is an ABK. She got a BS from top 3, and a MBA from top 3. Roommate on east coast and girlfriend on west coast.
She called her boyfriend in the morning to wake him up becasue he had a hard deadline and worked overnight. This girl is in CA. She woke up at 4:00 am to wake up the boyfriend so he could give the presentation in the morning!
She takes care of so many things for the boy, and even bought a birthday cake for his boyfriend's roommate on behalf of the boyfriend。 She ordered it online and had it delivered to the apartment.
当然Cal EECS 在我这儿是加分的 是唯一加分的一项,哈哈哈。