If the catalytic converter, fuel filters, or fuel pressure sensors are worn out or damaged, a sulfur gas can leak out and make its way into your cars cabin.
This smell isn’t just unpleasant—like the other ones we’ve highlighted, it can be dangerous if left unaddressed. But sometimes, the issue is as simple as replacing transmission fluid (old fluid can produce that same rotten egg smell in cars).
根据气味可以判断是否Skunk, 包漏油漏气漏COOLANT, 刹车皮, 排气管。。。。。
If the catalytic converter, fuel filters, or fuel pressure sensors are worn out or damaged, a sulfur gas can leak out and make its way into your cars cabin.
This smell isn’t just unpleasant—like the other ones we’ve highlighted, it can be dangerous if left unaddressed. But sometimes, the issue is as simple as replacing transmission fluid (old fluid can produce that same rotten egg smell in cars).
The Tier 2 Gasoline Sulfur program, finalized in 2000, reduced the sulfur content of gasoline by up to 90 percent. not 100% reduction.
是一个夏天,在芝加哥。我闻到mini Van车里有不健康的臭味。窗子打开,开车后,臭味就没有了。停车后,臭味又慢慢有了。再开车,臭味又没了。
我赶紧把这包臭肉扔到垃圾箱里去了。 车里的臭味,过了好几天才完全闻不到了。
有一次換air filter 發現了一隻風乾的老鼠
See the 悄悄话 I sent to you.