my problem is overcharging, which can also irreversibly damage a battery. I learned this the hard way because initially I did not think the overcharging was a big deal. I found out my overcharging caused the voltage to drop to 8V, making the battery in fact even harder to save. Compare this to the sulfation which only caused the voltage to drop to 11V. Even bad sulfation can be partially reversed. Although the battery may still be too weak to start the engine, nonetheless it can still make a cranking sound.
Any working battery charger shouldn’t overcharge any battery
As soon as the battery voltage gets up to the output voltage of the charger it can't change any more. It controls the changing current automatically to prevent overcharging. I leave my charger hooked up the whole time for weeks until I have to drive. Never overcharged.
由于都在家上班,两辆SUV长期停在车库,为了不让电池没电,时不时的还得驾车出去跑一圈,因此想买个充电器,在车库直接给车充电,又不想充电器太占空间,所以不知到底是否可用2A或5A的给SUV慢充,还是一定要选10A的?反正是在车库,时间有得是。下面几个选择,如果尽量要选体积小的,哪个可以承担我想完成的任务又不会损伤电池?还有就是,如何区分自己车上的电池是湿电池,GEL还是AGM电池? 谢谢!
my problem is overcharging, which can also irreversibly damage a battery. I learned this the hard way because initially I did not think the overcharging was a big deal. I found out my overcharging caused the voltage to drop to 8V, making the battery in fact even harder to save. Compare this to the sulfation which only caused the voltage to drop to 11V. Even bad sulfation can be partially reversed. Although the battery may still be too weak to start the engine, nonetheless it can still make a cranking sound.
As soon as the battery voltage gets up to the output voltage of the charger it can't change any more. It controls the changing current automatically to prevent overcharging. I leave my charger hooked up the whole time for weeks until I have to drive. Never overcharged. CTEK (56-958) MUS 4.3 POLAR 12 Volt Fully Automatic Extreme Climate 8 Step Battery Charger: Automotive