Like Scott Young, the author best selling book: "Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career".
Scott is famous for his MIT challenge, in which, he learned the entire 4-year MIT curriculum(total of 33 cources) for computer science in 12 months by listening MIT free online course, completing all the assignment, and taking all the exames. He believes that the current schooling is waste of time, and he said the future of education is the education without school, but self-learning.
现在觉得上大学确实没必要 sitting through years of classes, is just a waste of personal life. 50% of school time were wasted on traveling, gossiping, etc. Even most MIT online classes, they're not paced as fast as other professional online courses. Going college, even the Ivy League, is just a waste of time, a waste of money, a waste of passion, a waste of energy, a waste of your precious potentials
Mark Zuckerberg 在哈佛做facebook的时候,他连最有名的CS50都没有上过,很多哈佛计算机同学参加他的创业,这些同学自信满满,结果一面试都不行。因为Z用的是PHP和mySQL,而哈佛不教PHP和mySQL,同学们纷纷自学PHP和mySQL,很快的很多同学成了PHP和mySQL的专家,而哈佛精心酿制的C/C++/Java课程,没有培养成哪怕一名专家。
我孩子完全不是天才。CodeJam我没有说清楚。我说通过了前2轮,是Qualification和1st Round. 在第2轮不幸止步。另外我们这里有一所公立高中和二所私立高中在美国排名非常前的(10名至40名之间),但是我小孩都没有考上,2个私立高中不给原因,只是说too many good students this year (其实我孩子的SSAT还是相当不错的,数学满分,英文差20分,都是99%percentile. 而公立中学录取名单上,我儿子距离最后一名被录取者还差了90多人。
Like Scott Young, the author best selling book: "Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career".
Scott is famous for his MIT challenge, in which, he learned the entire 4-year MIT curriculum(total of 33 cources) for computer science in 12 months by listening MIT free online course, completing all the assignment, and taking all the exames. He believes that the current schooling is waste of time, and he said the future of education is the education without school, but self-learning.
现在觉得上大学确实没必要 sitting through years of classes, is just a waste of personal life. 50% of school time were wasted on traveling, gossiping, etc. Even most MIT online classes, they're not paced as fast as other professional online courses. Going college, even the Ivy League, is just a waste of time, a waste of money, a waste of passion, a waste of energy, a waste of your precious potentials
Make sense!
Mark Zuckerberg 在哈佛做facebook的时候,他连最有名的CS50都没有上过,很多哈佛计算机同学参加他的创业,这些同学自信满满,结果一面试都不行。因为Z用的是PHP和mySQL,而哈佛不教PHP和mySQL,同学们纷纷自学PHP和mySQL,很快的很多同学成了PHP和mySQL的专家,而哈佛精心酿制的C/C++/Java课程,没有培养成哪怕一名专家。
我孩子完全不是天才。CodeJam我没有说清楚。我说通过了前2轮,是Qualification和1st Round. 在第2轮不幸止步。另外我们这里有一所公立高中和二所私立高中在美国排名非常前的(10名至40名之间),但是我小孩都没有考上,2个私立高中不给原因,只是说too many good students this year (其实我孩子的SSAT还是相当不错的,数学满分,英文差20分,都是99%percentile. 而公立中学录取名单上,我儿子距离最后一名被录取者还差了90多人。
13%Passed at Least One AP® Exam
15%Mathematics Proficiency
好处是,不管你的家庭收入,全部早饭午饭都是免费的,要交钱都不行因为从来没有收过钱,而且所有AP考试都是免费的,随便你考几门,一律免费。但是GPA很奇怪,没有A。而GPA ranking全是第二。我儿子刚刚拿到成绩单上显示第二,很高兴。但是一问同学,个个都是GPA第二。