Here are ten pro-athletes with the highest SAT scores:
1. George Parros – 1250
Parros is known as a tough guy on the ice, but he was an economics nerd at Princeton with 3.18 GPA. While in the junior league, Parros worked for the Chicago Board of Trade.
He has a crossword puzzle hobby, as he often solves the puzzle after he reads USA Today and New York Times.
Plus, he has one of the most impressive looking mustaches of all-time.
2. Chris Young – 1300
If there was ever a person who could truly balance studies and sports, Young exceeds such expectations for a student-athlete.
The Princeton-educated Economics major is the first athlete to ever be named All-Ivy League in baseball and basketball. Moreover, the Nationals starting pitcher completed his thesis for politics class while still playing in the minor leagues.
Who knows, the White House might call him for more research.
3. David Robinson – 1320
“The Admiral” went on to become one of the greatest players of the NBA after a humble start at the Naval Academy.
The mathematics major was selected first overall in the 1987 draft; however, the Spurs had to wait two years because he had to fulfill his active-duty obligation with the Navy. During those two years, he served as a civil engineering officer at a naval submarine base in Georgia.
4. Myron Rolle – 1420
Myron Rolle is known more for his brains than his brawn.
The former FSU star safety graduated from college in just 2 ½ years, while maintaining a 3.75 GPA. He was also awarded the Rhodes scholarship and went on to study Medical Anthropology in Oxford.
He retired from football to pursue his medical doctorate.
5. Matt Bonner – 1350
Matt Bonner is known as a three-point shooting big man for the San Antonio Spurs.
He happened to have high remarks in his college days in Florida too.
The business major maintained a 3.96 GPA and other than his chemistry grade, never received less than an “A” as final grade in any class throughout his academic career.
“Red Mamba” happens to also be part of one of the smartest professional teams in sports.
6. Craig Breslow – 1420
The Boston Red Sox pitcher was named the smartest athlete in all sports by Sporting News in 2010.
Other than his high SAT score, the Yale alumnus also got a 34 on his MCAT’s (the average score is a 28), and was accepted into NYU’s Medical School.
Breslow graduated with a 3.5 GPA with a degree in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. On top of all that, he made a very funny video mocking Rex Ryan’s foot fetish.
7. Jeremy Lin – 1428
Jeremy Lin took the league by storm two years ago as an unheralded hero in New York, and that stretch led him to his huge pay from Houston.
But whether he made it in the NBA or not, the Harvard economics graduate would be great at any field he would choose.
While maintaining a 4.2 GPA, the former Palo Alto High School product perfected the mathematical part in the SAT, while producing a total of 2061* in his SAT.
*In 2005, the SAT includes the 800-point writing test.
8. Ross Ohlendorf – 1520
The Washington Nationals starting pitcher went to Princeton to major in operations research and financial engineering while maintaining a 3.8 GPA.
In 2009, he worked as a volunteer intern in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In addition to having worked on a cost-benefit analysis of a program that traces diseases in livestock and its effect on farmers, he also helps his father manage the family’s herd of longhorns in Texas.
9. Matt Birk – 1550
It’s hard to believe, but former Baltimore Ravens center Matt Birk is in fact one of the smartest men in the history of sports.
Birk graduated from Harvard in 1998 with a degree in economics, and had he not made it in the NFL, there’s a good chance he would do well on Wall Street, as he was offered a job there before football came.
Birk thought his football career was initially only in place to delay his business career, but he went on to have a great career in the gridiron: being named a Pro Bowler six times and winning a Super Bowl Championship.
10. Ryan Fitzpatrick – 1580
Ryan Fitzpatrick might have been a decent quarterback in the last few years, but his brain should be donated to the National Football Hall of Fame when he dies because a guy this smart joins the NFL once in a millennium.
The Tennessee Titan quarterback achieved a near flawless SAT score and studied economics at Harvard before becoming a seventh round draft pick in 2005.
More impressively, he made headlines before the 2005 draft when he was recorded to have almost aced the Wonderlic test. He scored a 48, while taking the test in just nine minutes.
Conclusion – Do the above 10 professional athletes represent nothing more than a dramatic exception to the rule that jocks are dumb? Or does the media unfairly portray our sporting heroes as modern day gladiators here to entertain us with brawn with little else to offer? Share this article on your Social Networks and post your thoughts along with it. We look forward to seeing your opinion.
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🛋️ 沙发板凳
varsity team captain, 高中联赛双料冠军,All American。
Here are ten pro-athletes with the highest SAT scores:
1. George Parros – 1250
Parros is known as a tough guy on the ice, but he was an economics nerd at Princeton with 3.18 GPA. While in the junior league, Parros worked for the Chicago Board of Trade.
He has a crossword puzzle hobby, as he often solves the puzzle after he reads USA Today and New York Times.
Plus, he has one of the most impressive looking mustaches of all-time.
2. Chris Young – 1300
If there was ever a person who could truly balance studies and sports, Young exceeds such expectations for a student-athlete.
The Princeton-educated Economics major is the first athlete to ever be named All-Ivy League in baseball and basketball. Moreover, the Nationals starting pitcher completed his thesis for politics class while still playing in the minor leagues.
Who knows, the White House might call him for more research.
3. David Robinson – 1320
“The Admiral” went on to become one of the greatest players of the NBA after a humble start at the Naval Academy.
The mathematics major was selected first overall in the 1987 draft; however, the Spurs had to wait two years because he had to fulfill his active-duty obligation with the Navy. During those two years, he served as a civil engineering officer at a naval submarine base in Georgia.
4. Myron Rolle – 1420
Myron Rolle is known more for his brains than his brawn.
The former FSU star safety graduated from college in just 2 ½ years, while maintaining a 3.75 GPA. He was also awarded the Rhodes scholarship and went on to study Medical Anthropology in Oxford.
He retired from football to pursue his medical doctorate.
5. Matt Bonner – 1350
Matt Bonner is known as a three-point shooting big man for the San Antonio Spurs.
He happened to have high remarks in his college days in Florida too.
The business major maintained a 3.96 GPA and other than his chemistry grade, never received less than an “A” as final grade in any class throughout his academic career.
“Red Mamba” happens to also be part of one of the smartest professional teams in sports.
6. Craig Breslow – 1420
The Boston Red Sox pitcher was named the smartest athlete in all sports by Sporting News in 2010.
Other than his high SAT score, the Yale alumnus also got a 34 on his MCAT’s (the average score is a 28), and was accepted into NYU’s Medical School.
Breslow graduated with a 3.5 GPA with a degree in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. On top of all that, he made a very funny video mocking Rex Ryan’s foot fetish.
7. Jeremy Lin – 1428
Jeremy Lin took the league by storm two years ago as an unheralded hero in New York, and that stretch led him to his huge pay from Houston.
But whether he made it in the NBA or not, the Harvard economics graduate would be great at any field he would choose.
While maintaining a 4.2 GPA, the former Palo Alto High School product perfected the mathematical part in the SAT, while producing a total of 2061* in his SAT.
*In 2005, the SAT includes the 800-point writing test.
8. Ross Ohlendorf – 1520
The Washington Nationals starting pitcher went to Princeton to major in operations research and financial engineering while maintaining a 3.8 GPA.
In 2009, he worked as a volunteer intern in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In addition to having worked on a cost-benefit analysis of a program that traces diseases in livestock and its effect on farmers, he also helps his father manage the family’s herd of longhorns in Texas.
9. Matt Birk – 1550
It’s hard to believe, but former Baltimore Ravens center Matt Birk is in fact one of the smartest men in the history of sports.
Birk graduated from Harvard in 1998 with a degree in economics, and had he not made it in the NFL, there’s a good chance he would do well on Wall Street, as he was offered a job there before football came.
Birk thought his football career was initially only in place to delay his business career, but he went on to have a great career in the gridiron: being named a Pro Bowler six times and winning a Super Bowl Championship.
10. Ryan Fitzpatrick – 1580
Ryan Fitzpatrick might have been a decent quarterback in the last few years, but his brain should be donated to the National Football Hall of Fame when he dies because a guy this smart joins the NFL once in a millennium.
The Tennessee Titan quarterback achieved a near flawless SAT score and studied economics at Harvard before becoming a seventh round draft pick in 2005.
More impressively, he made headlines before the 2005 draft when he was recorded to have almost aced the Wonderlic test. He scored a 48, while taking the test in just nine minutes.
Conclusion – Do the above 10 professional athletes represent nothing more than a dramatic exception to the rule that jocks are dumb? Or does the media unfairly portray our sporting heroes as modern day gladiators here to entertain us with brawn with little else to offer? Share this article on your Social Networks and post your thoughts along with it. We look forward to seeing your opinion.
在高中毕业时体育突出,学习拔尖的(GPA 和标考perfect 或near perfect)。他(她)们在EC送择上取体育舍数学竞赛只是意谓着他(她)们时间花在体育上了。老中这个perception 有时要改改。
这看法在紫檀挺普遍。在藤运动队的一定学习差,女生进M的一定录取被照顾。。。 反正都是混不下去的就是了。正好我家都占了,走着瞧吧。
S给potential recruit 提的ACT要求:某奥运奖牌获得者,24; 某国家青年队主力:32.
高中从早8点到下午4点都在学校,这个时间占得死死的。大学课时少多了,自己的时间就多好多。 训练时间上两个差不多。比赛数也差不多,而大学小比赛多在周末,即使travel 也不耽误课。
S 的体育是世界级的,奥运冠军比比皆是,他们招人是可能降低录取要求而招顶尖高手的。但藤这个联盟对招人是有严格学术要求的,否则你降低录取分数,就跟别人不是一个起跑线了,别的藤不答应。有希望成为职业高手的大多不会选择进藤,因为academic太过严格不好读
你要认为体育生的average academic 比非体育生好,是你的自由,我就此打住
• 肯定有好的,你家娃就会是顶尖的。可average 就未必了 - acreek -
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/13/2019 08:08:28
• 就是这个意思,非要用某个人,某个体育队来说话,我躲了。 - 成功的兔 -
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 01/13/2019 08:32:21
• 举一个人的例子你嫌不够,举一个运动队的平均GPA你也嫌不够。我不知道耶鲁平均GP... - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/13/2019 08:37:31
• 可以选简单的课,而且文科容易些 - acreek -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/13/2019 08:42:52
• 讨论问题应该用average吧,你想说体育生的成绩平均比非体育生高? - 成功的兔 -
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/13/2019 07:19:10
• 觉得想说的是体育生不是学习都不好的 - 爱春 -
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 01/13/2019 07:21:26
• 有人一提体育生就觉得人家SAT1250,真是很可笑。疙瘩某运动队体育生的要求是SAT1470以上 - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (7 reads) 01/13/2019 07:24:57
• 请不要笑话我,我很无知。这世上我不知道的事太多。我从网上看到有的体育特招的人SAT1250入校,如果 - 雾里看花123 -
(95 bytes) (49 reads) 01/13/2019 07:50:28
• 你说得没错,橄榄球队里 SAT 1250 有一大把,但也会收个别 SAT 1500以上的 - TTFAN-
(59 bytes) (18 reads) 01/13/2019 08:07:28
• 耶鲁大学男子游泳队在校平均GPA3.6 - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/13/2019 08:18:47
• 哦,从一个极端到另一个极端。个例(outlier)讨论没意义,对我来说 - 成功的兔 -
(0 bytes) (6 reads) 01/13/2019 07:25:47
• 知道的今年进中藤的几个体育生,ACT34-36 - cutedolphin -
(33 bytes) (35 reads) 01/13/2019 07:28:57
• 某藤对SAT subject的要求是两门都要在730以上 - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/13/2019 07:31:41
• 你要认为体育生的average比非体育生高,academic更好,我就此打住。 - 成功的兔 -
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/13/2019 07:32:45
• 首先我没那么说。其次你非运动员要是连SAT都拼不过,呵呵 - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/13/2019 07:42:08
• 其实也不是没可能,如果大学少录取成绩很好的,多录URM,一代大学生等等 -acreek -
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/13/2019 07:46:55
• 那倒是,everything is possible - 成功的兔 -
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/13/2019 07:51:28
• 参加奥运的花滑选手Vincent Zhou,可以去查他的SAT/ACT。反正他姐姐是SAT2400,搞跳水就读于MIT - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (8 reads) 01/13/2019 08:00:36
• 父母THU计算机系毕业。Vincent中学跳两级 - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/13/2019 08:03:41
• 肯定有好的,你家娃就会是顶尖的。可average 就未必了 - acreek -
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/13/2019 08:08:28
• 就是这个意思,非要用某个人,某个体育队来说话,我躲了。 - 成功的兔 -
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 01/13/2019 08:32:21
• 举一个人的例子你嫌不够,举一个运动队的平均GPA你也嫌不够。我不知道耶鲁平均GP... - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/13/2019 08:37:31
• 可以选简单的课,而且文科容易些 - acreek -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/13/2019 08:42:52
• 教练说最 popular的major是finance,这属于easy课吗? -cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/13/2019 08:52:20
• 这么说吧,就我感觉,网球队,游泳队的成绩比较高,不代表所有运动队的体育... - 成功的兔 -
(106 bytes) (3 reads) 01/13/2019 08:52:54
• 我从来没说过体育生average要高于非体育生。这是你assumed -cutedolphin -
(100 bytes) (4 reads) 01/13/2019 09:07:22
• 你不是在不停地找例子证明这一点?往上看看 - 成功的兔 -
(7323 bytes) (4 reads) 01/13/2019 09:14:28
• 我从来没提到藤的average是啥,也没提藤里非体育生的成绩。... - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/13/2019 09:21:28
• 对我不知道的数字我不会信口开河,我希望你也不要信口... - cutedolphin -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/13/2019 09:22:19
D3 游泳时间上会少很多,比我们在高中练得少。 我哪信口开河了?我一直认为:体育生的average academic 不比非体育生好,现在也没改变。你自己往上看看