It is true elite runners tend to be forefoot strikers. So, if you are reading this and can run under a 16min 5k (guys) or 20min 5k (girls), beginning the process of gradually converting to a midfoot or forefoot strike may be advisable. But, if that's not you, think seriously before making a change. If you are a forefoot runner and it is working, stay that way. If you are a rearfoot runner and it is working, stay that way. If you are going to switch, take time. World class runners are not efficient, because they run on their forefoot; they run on their forefoot, because they are efficient. Shoes or lack of shoes will not suddenly make you faster. If you lack the strength, biomechanical efficiency, and conditioning to develop a forefoot strike pattern then the shoe cannot instantly do it for you.
任何跑,后跟先着地,小腿骨头直接从下面冲击膝盖关节;大腿和大腿以上重力和动能直接从上面冲击膝盖关节。相比之下,即便普通跑,中前掌先着地(第一波最大冲击力),后掌(和小腿成活动的 L形)再着地,小腿骨头对膝盖关节冲击几乎为零。
这个和布班的警告不要随意改变跑步 form,不冲突;也对花瓣无济于事(“老子知道怎么跑,就是跑不来”)。
listen to your body,你觉得怎么跑最轻松,最舒服,就怎么跑。你又不是要冲击速度。priority是减少受伤,那就不要强求自己的身体做不习惯的事情
他和他的女朋友,都是长期跑步的,好像都是教练。他好几个视频上讲他自己,以前也一直纠正不正确的 地方:提高 performance,减少受伤。
你能做到 16min 5k 吗?
So a few take home messages:
It is true elite runners tend to be forefoot strikers. So, if you are reading this and can run under a 16min 5k (guys) or 20min 5k (girls), beginning the process of gradually converting to a midfoot or forefoot strike may be advisable. But, if that's not you, think seriously before making a change. If you are a forefoot runner and it is working, stay that way. If you are a rearfoot runner and it is working, stay that way. If you are going to switch, take time. World class runners are not efficient, because they run on their forefoot; they run on their forefoot, because they are efficient. Shoes or lack of shoes will not suddenly make you faster. If you lack the strength, biomechanical efficiency, and conditioning to develop a forefoot strike pattern then the shoe cannot instantly do it for you.普通力学,材料会劳损、会受到外因发生变化、疲劳。
人体包含所有这些特性。但是,on top of these, 还会通过饮食营养、主动改变姿势、运动来改变材料和结构的特性。
这些姿势,完全有改善的空间。但是你的材料特性(骨骼肌腱)要有一定时间的训练和形成。突然改变,会受伤。也就是某些部位遭到destructive failure.
他们也说得明明白白: 他们的视频是教大家:安全的跑, effective 的跑。
只要腿不是直的, 区别很小。
但是如果前掌先着地, 腿绝对不可能直 。
(那些 YouTube 上 教大家如何正确跑的教练应该都是假定大家都穿鞋的)
我一直说的是为了安全(低速也应该正确的 form 才安全),你怎么理解的?
唯一的要求: 不要脚后跟先着地。
就像楼上说的,等有了几个全马的距离(上百公里)打基础了以后,自然就琢磨出来了。 现在过度琢磨这些,反而不会好好跑。 Don't overthink, just do it.
而且我个人认为,对于非竞技比赛的普通健身者来说,所谓跑步受伤是个自适应过程。 跑多肌肉练出来了,伤会不治而愈。
我以前post过一个小tip, 就是跑步时昂首挺胸,眼睛下看不能看见自己的脚尖,其实就是同一道理。
My two cents
00:49:00 - How shoe cushioning alters impact forces despite forefoot striking
And even minimalist shoes are not for everyone! It takes a loooong time to transition that most people cannot do correctly.