COVID-19 will neither be the last pandemic nor the worst. Its lessons will dictate how well the U.S. prepares for the next one—and the country should start with its understanding of what preparedness actually means. In 2019, the Global Health Security Index used 85 indicators to assess how ready every country was for a pandemic. The U.S. had the highest score of all 195 nations, a verdict that seems laughable just one year later. Indeed, six months into this pandemic, the index’s scores had almost no correlation with countries’ actual death rates. If anything, it seems to have indexed hubris more than preparedness.
Vietnam, the first country to contain SARS in 2003, “immediately understood that a few cases without an emergency-level response will be thousands of cases in a short period,” said Lincoln, the San Francisco State medical anthropologist, who has worked in Vietnam extensively. “Their public-health response was just impeccable and relentless, and the public supports health agencies.” At the time of my writing, Vietnam had recorded just 1,451 cases of COVID-19 all year, fewer than each of the 32 hardest-hit U.S. prisons.
Rwanda also took the pandemic seriously from the start. It instituted a strict lockdown after its first case, in March; mandated masks a month later; offered tests frequently and freely; and provided food and space to people who had to quarantine. Though ranked 117th in preparedness, and with only 1 percent of America’s per capita GDP, Rwanda has recorded just 8,021 cases of COVID-19 and 75 deaths in total. For comparison, the disease has killed more Americans, on average, every hour of December.
下面的一段是从The Atlantic上的一篇文章里copy来的。让我想起作为业内人士的GoGym网友在今年一二月时信心十足地保证 - 美国的防疫是最高水平的,大家不用担心,美国一定没事。现在才知道原来不只是美国医疗业内人士,世界医疗专业组织都认为美国防疫水平最高。
COVID-19 will neither be the last pandemic nor the worst. Its lessons will dictate how well the U.S. prepares for the next one—and the country should start with its understanding of what preparedness actually means. In 2019, the Global Health Security Index used 85 indicators to assess how ready every country was for a pandemic. The U.S. had the highest score of all 195 nations, a verdict that seems laughable just one year later. Indeed, six months into this pandemic, the index’s scores had almost no correlation with countries’ actual death rates. If anything, it seems to have indexed hubris more than preparedness.
Vietnam, the first country to contain SARS in 2003, “immediately understood that a few cases without an emergency-level response will be thousands of cases in a short period,” said Lincoln, the San Francisco State medical anthropologist, who has worked in Vietnam extensively. “Their public-health response was just impeccable and relentless, and the public supports health agencies.” At the time of my writing, Vietnam had recorded just 1,451 cases of COVID-19 all year, fewer than each of the 32 hardest-hit U.S. prisons.
Rwanda also took the pandemic seriously from the start. It instituted a strict lockdown after its first case, in March; mandated masks a month later; offered tests frequently and freely; and provided food and space to people who had to quarantine. Though ranked 117th in preparedness, and with only 1 percent of America’s per capita GDP, Rwanda has recorded just 8,021 cases of COVID-19 and 75 deaths in total. For comparison, the disease has killed more Americans, on average, every hour of December.
一个人搞错了也不是big shame呀。
估价现在她发了, 不过她当初是被人笑话的
当时TRUMP 和中国断航, 我们都觉得那是好的决策 (我现在还认为那是对的)。想不到病毒会在欧洲流行。 当时我确实没有想到, 你想到了吗?
如果说我当时有啥不爽的,不是她的信息和观点,而是当时有人利用她的信息,对疫情表示担忧的人,形成打压气氛。还莫名给人带 五 毛 等帽子。
被戴帽子的估计赚钱不少 If it matters..
人类共同的盲点,有时是以为知道但不知道,有时是根本不知道还有其他的不知道。人要学会being humble,别一开始就下结论。
在美国,愚蠢愚昧都不能被讥笑斥责,因为那是人家的”自由。“ 多数人没有足够的谦卑能认识到自己其实有无数的东西不懂。
Politics stymied science是NYT上一篇文章里对中国抗疫的批评,其实也同样是美国抗疫的缺陷。就连小小的垮坦都是如此。
会想到DS的厉害哈哈。要算账找TG WHO 那个fauci去算账,和GG有什么关系?