"El Cóndor Pasa" is a Spanish phrase. Its literally translation to English is "The Condor Passes", but is perhaps better interpreted as "The Flight of the Condor".
It denotes the spirit of freedom. It is about being in control of your life. Like while the snail is slow and stuck to the ground, the sparrow is swift and free and can fly to places it wants to reach. - Online source with editing --------------------------------------------------------
What is the first English song you ever heard (not counting "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" )?
Mine was at university time. It was an evening of a hot summer day, and the campus was full of students holding books wondering around. I was on my way to the classroom, and all of a sudden, I heard a beautiful song from a radio holding by a student near the road. "Do you mind me asking what are you listening?" She looked up at me and said: "it's Voice of America."
So please allow me to present this beautiful song by Simon & Garfunkel, with the same title as today's APAD (with lyrics below):
El Condor Pasa (If I Could)
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes, I would If I could I surely would
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes, I would If I only could I surely would
Away, I'd rather sail away Like a swan that's here and gone A man gets tied up to the ground He gives the world its saddest sound Its saddest sound
I'd rather be a forest than a street Yes, I would If I could I surely would
I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet Yes, I would If I only could I surely would
好奇老师的Youtube频道叫新玛雅人,问过知道他对玛雅文化有浓厚的兴趣,玛雅文化与中国文化有不可探究的渊源,有很多与中国相似的习俗。有一次他在摄坛发了玛雅百变蓝鹊的帖,大家在这个小电影里也可以看到飞到好奇老师相机上的玛雅蓝鹊,他给这个视频配了El cóndor pasa纯音乐。我搭话说很熟悉这个音乐。是英文版的If I Could. 然后的然后,承蒙好奇老师不弃,找我唱这首歌,他专为此制作了这部小电影,电影内的所有图片与视频都是他的摄影作品。视频中有真正的美洲秃鹫,Turkey Vulture, 中文翻译的神鹰有些误导让人觉得是Eagle, 玛雅的神鹰是Vulture.
El cóndor pasa (If I Could) Song by Simon & Garfunkel I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes, I would If I could I surely would I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes, I would If I only could I surely would Away, I'd rather sail away Like a swan that's here and gone A man gets tied up to the ground He gives the world its saddest sound Its saddest sound I'd rather be a forest than a street Yes, I would If I could I surely would I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet Yes, I would If I only could I surely would 彩蛋: El cóndor pasa 是西班牙语,我出于好奇查了一下读音,并学着跟读,并录音 下面这个音频里,第一个女声是录的google翻译的原声,第二个是我的跟读, 哪位有兴趣也挑战一下这个读音? 如果有兴趣录下音,放在给我的回帖里如何?
I’ve listened to this melody many times in subway stations
I live in NYC and often see Latino musicians playing the flute with this melody. I really like it! I never knew there was an English version—or rather, I never knew it had lyrics.
Thank you for sharing the Spanish phrase! I learn something new here every day.
"El Cóndor Pasa" is a Spanish phrase. Its literally translation to English is "The Condor Passes", but is perhaps better interpreted as "The Flight of the Condor".
It denotes the spirit of freedom. It is about being in control of your life. Like while the snail is slow and stuck to the ground, the sparrow is swift and free and can fly to places it wants to reach.
- Online source with editing
What is the first English song you ever heard (not counting "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Mine was at university time. It was an evening of a hot summer day, and the campus was full of students holding books wondering around. I was on my way to the classroom, and all of a sudden, I heard a beautiful song from a radio holding by a student near the road. "Do you mind me asking what are you listening?" She looked up at me and said: "it's Voice of America."
So please allow me to present this beautiful song by Simon & Garfunkel, with the same title as today's APAD (with lyrics below):
El Condor Pasa (If I Could)
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Yes, I would
If I could
I surely would
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
Yes, I would
If I only could
I surely would
Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound
Its saddest sound
I'd rather be a forest than a street
Yes, I would
If I could
I surely would
I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet
Yes, I would
If I only could
I surely would
El cóndor pasa 是秘鲁作曲家 Daniel Alomía Robles 基于秘鲁民间音乐,于1913年创作的一首管弦乐作品。
El cóndor pasa 中文翻译成“玛雅神鹰” 西班牙语直译意思也差不多,"秃鹫飞过",看来秃鹫就是玛雅神鹰了。 从那时起,据估计,世界各地已制作了超过 4,000 个版本的旋律以及 300 套歌词。 2004年,秘鲁宣布这首歌成为其国家文化遗产的一部分。这首歌现在被认为是秘鲁的第二国歌。
这些再创作中有一个英文版本为我们所熟悉的经典之作, 由美国 Dual 歌手Simon and Garfunkel 与1970年录制了一个叫 Los Incas版本的旋律并填写了英文歌词,这就是风靡70年代广为流传至今的“If I Could”
这个视频的作者iCurious 是我们唱坛人所熟悉的摄影家。与几位目前活跃在唱坛的大腕们都合作过小电影音乐,大家都称他好奇或好奇老师,他的事迹我这里不多说,就一句话,他是骑单车游历全中国摄影第一人。积累有几万摄影胶片负片与正片,别人说他如何专业,他谦称是业余爱好发烧友。我说也对,他不是以摄影谋生,水平再高也属于业余队伍。
好奇老师的Youtube频道叫新玛雅人,问过知道他对玛雅文化有浓厚的兴趣,玛雅文化与中国文化有不可探究的渊源,有很多与中国相似的习俗。有一次他在摄坛发了玛雅百变蓝鹊的帖,大家在这个小电影里也可以看到飞到好奇老师相机上的玛雅蓝鹊,他给这个视频配了El cóndor pasa纯音乐。我搭话说很熟悉这个音乐。是英文版的If I Could. 然后的然后,承蒙好奇老师不弃,找我唱这首歌,他专为此制作了这部小电影,电影内的所有图片与视频都是他的摄影作品。视频中有真正的美洲秃鹫,Turkey Vulture, 中文翻译的神鹰有些误导让人觉得是Eagle, 玛雅的神鹰是Vulture.
El cóndor pasa (If I Could) Song by Simon & Garfunkel I'd rather be a sparrow than a snailYes, I would
If I could
I surely would I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
Yes, I would
If I only could
I surely would Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound
Its saddest sound I'd rather be a forest than a street
Yes, I would
If I could
I surely would I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet
Yes, I would
If I only could
I surely would 彩蛋: El cóndor pasa 是西班牙语,我出于好奇查了一下读音,并学着跟读,并录音 下面这个音频里,第一个女声是录的google翻译的原声,第二个是我的跟读, 哪位有兴趣也挑战一下这个读音? 如果有兴趣录下音,放在给我的回帖里如何?
I live in NYC and often see Latino musicians playing the flute with this melody. I really like it! I never knew there was an English version—or rather, I never knew it had lyrics.
Thank you for sharing the Spanish phrase! I learn something new here every day.