This proverb means that people who are not directly involved in a situation may have a clearer view of what is happening than those who are. It is often used to suggest that an outsider’s perspective can be valuable.
Solomon’s paradox is a widespread phenomenon regarding how we think, which asserts that people reason more wisely about other people’s social problems than they do about their own. This means that we are more likely to make rational decisions when decision-making on the behalf of others than for ourselves, which has practical implications in the field of interpersonal conflicts and social dilemmas.
California’s government, blinded by ideological priorities and hampered by mismanagement, has failed to fireproof the state.The tragic consequences are now inescapable. However, the to be blamed government was the choice of 71% Californian.
Standers-by might have the better view of the fire risks than gamesters. In 2020, the Trump White House introduced a water conservation measure designed to balance environmental concerns with critical water needs for California’s farms and communities. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration filed a lawsuit to block its implementation, citing the protection of a tiny fish called the Delta smelt.
The delta smelt is an endangered slender-bodied smelt, about 5 to 7 cm long,
来自乌克兰的犹太裔移民、亿万富豪瑞斯尼克夫妇(Stewart and Lynda Resnick)因为是加州最大的水资源使用者,用于支持自家的农业帝国,该公司每年消耗的水量高达1500亿加仑(约5678亿公升),主要用于种植杏仁、开心果和石榴等需大量水分的作物,而光是这些消耗的水量,就占全洛杉矶的92%。此外,瑞斯尼克夫妇还是加州最大地下水储存设施克恩水库的最大股东,持股比例高达57%。这座原本为公共用水储存设施的水库,后来被转交给私人企业,包括瑞斯尼克夫妻的Westside Mutual Water Company,他们也是知名的“慈善家”,捐款范围甚至涵盖教育、健康与社区计划,百年前旧金山也曾因为地震引发大火被烧毁啊,Gavin Newsom 可是2004 to 2011 San Francisco的市长啊.
This proverb means that people who are not directly involved in a situation may have a clearer view of what is happening than those who are. It is often used to suggest that an outsider’s perspective can be valuable.
Solomon’s paradox is a widespread phenomenon regarding how we think, which asserts that people reason more wisely about other people’s social problems than they do about their own. This means that we are more likely to make rational decisions when decision-making on the behalf of others than for ourselves, which has practical implications in the field of interpersonal conflicts and social dilemmas.
California’s government, blinded by ideological priorities and hampered by mismanagement, has failed to fireproof the state.The tragic consequences are now inescapable. However, the to be blamed government was the choice of 71% Californian.
Standers-by might have the better view of the fire risks than gamesters. In 2020, the Trump White House introduced a water conservation measure designed to balance environmental concerns with critical water needs for California’s farms and communities. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration filed a lawsuit to block its implementation, citing the protection of a tiny fish called the Delta smelt.
The delta smelt is an endangered slender-bodied smelt, about 5 to 7 cm long,
来自乌克兰的犹太裔移民、亿万富豪瑞斯尼克夫妇(Stewart and Lynda Resnick)因为是加州最大的水资源使用者,用于支持自家的农业帝国,该公司每年消耗的水量高达1500亿加仑(约5678亿公升),主要用于种植杏仁、开心果和石榴等需大量水分的作物,而光是这些消耗的水量,就占全洛杉矶的92%。此外,瑞斯尼克夫妇还是加州最大地下水储存设施克恩水库的最大股东,持股比例高达57%。这座原本为公共用水储存设施的水库,后来被转交给私人企业,包括瑞斯尼克夫妻的Westside Mutual Water Company,他们也是知名的“慈善家”,捐款范围甚至涵盖教育、健康与社区计划,百年前旧金山也曾因为地震引发大火被烧毁啊,Gavin Newsom 可是2004 to 2011 San Francisco的市长啊
with many no insurance
dyslexia when he was a kid~