A change is as good as a rest is a proverb that expresses, in a fairly
straightforward literal way, the notion that a change from one's regular
occupation is as restorative as a holiday.
`A change is as good as a rest' is a product of the the Victorian era. Many
proverbs from that time encourage the strengthening of moral fibre, effort
and industry. This one is harder to understand the motive for as it is more
of an observation than an exhortation.
The idea expressed in the proverb is first found in the Christian Gleaner and
Domestic Magazine, 1825:
Change of work is as good as play
The currently used wording of the proverb is first found as the title of a
poem that was widely published from 1857 onward. Here's the earliest example
that I know of, from the English newspaper The Hampshire Advertiser, August
Ye votaries of sofas and beds
Ye sloths who exertion detest,
This maxim I wish to drive into your heads
A change is as good as a rest.
Ye children of Fashion and Wealth,
With countless indulgences blest,
Remember that indolence preyeth on health
The poem, which the unkind might call doggerel, goes on in similar vein for
another nine verses - I'm sure you get the gist. The author is unknown.
- [edited]
A regular marathon exerts the same group of muscles over 26.2 miles of largely
flat pavement. On a trail, however, they take turns up- and down-hill and at any
point one set's working while the other's taking a rest.
In the 2009 bestseller ``Born to Run,'' the Tarahumara Indians showed their
running prowess while having fun. Unlike Hoka-shod Camelbak-vested modern
endurance athletes bent on winning or breaking personal records, the Indians
wore huaraches fashioned from old tires and drank lemon water with chia-seeds
and looked like going a party. They never leaped down or walked up as their
thick-cushioned American mates did. Instead, they baby-stepped daunting steep
terrains, cresting peaks and descending gullies with the ease of an afternoon
jog on a meadow. And they did it for hundreds of miles.
a change is beyond a rest , it is entertaining
一直想感谢爪儿的,在花好月圆双接龙时,就悄悄告诉我烟花秀一起当叛军,我才现学现唱了萱草花。然后聪明伶俐的她得到两个点歌权又大方主动出让我一个,才有了 天之涯Home~
所以,今天专门唱了这首 雪落下的声音 作为感谢, 各种不满意,但是明天开忙,所以还是贴出来,进步留着以后吧
作词:于正 作曲:陆虎 原唱:魔幻水晶 :)
轻轻 落在我掌心 静静 在掌中结冰 相逢 是前世注定 痛并 把快乐尝尽 明明 话那么寒心 假装 那只是叮咛 泪尽 也不能相信 此生 如纸般薄命
我慢慢地听 雪落下的声音 闭着眼睛幻想它不会停 你没办法靠近 决不是太薄情 只是贪恋窗外 好风景 我慢慢地品 雪落下的声音 仿佛是你贴着我叫卿卿 睁开了眼睛 漫天的雪无情 谁来赔这一生好光景
Here's one from the web, close to the version I heard.
A change is as good as a rest is a proverb that expresses, in a fairly
straightforward literal way, the notion that a change from one's regular
occupation is as restorative as a holiday.
`A change is as good as a rest' is a product of the the Victorian era. Many
proverbs from that time encourage the strengthening of moral fibre, effort
and industry. This one is harder to understand the motive for as it is more
of an observation than an exhortation.
The idea expressed in the proverb is first found in the Christian Gleaner and
Domestic Magazine, 1825:
Change of work is as good as play
The currently used wording of the proverb is first found as the title of a
poem that was widely published from 1857 onward. Here's the earliest example
that I know of, from the English newspaper The Hampshire Advertiser, August
Ye votaries of sofas and beds
Ye sloths who exertion detest,
This maxim I wish to drive into your heads
A change is as good as a rest.
Ye children of Fashion and Wealth,
With countless indulgences blest,
Remember that indolence preyeth on health
A change is as good as a rest.
The poem, which the unkind might call doggerel, goes on in similar vein for
another nine verses - I'm sure you get the gist. The author is unknown.
- [edited]
A regular marathon exerts the same group of muscles over 26.2 miles of largely
flat pavement. On a trail, however, they take turns up- and down-hill and at any
point one set's working while the other's taking a rest.
In the 2009 bestseller ``Born to Run,'' the Tarahumara Indians showed their
running prowess while having fun. Unlike Hoka-shod Camelbak-vested modern
endurance athletes bent on winning or breaking personal records, the Indians
wore huaraches fashioned from old tires and drank lemon water with chia-seeds
and looked like going a party. They never leaped down or walked up as their
thick-cushioned American mates did. Instead, they baby-stepped daunting steep
terrains, cresting peaks and descending gullies with the ease of an afternoon
jog on a meadow. And they did it for hundreds of miles.
a change is beyond a rest , it is entertaining
【雪落下的声音】 来源: 妖妖灵 于 2024-11-18 15:03:45 [档案] [博客] [转至博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 阅读数 : 8535 (2422 bytes) 字体:调大/重置/调小 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 当前最热讨论主题 | 编辑 | 删除
一直想感谢爪儿的,在花好月圆双接龙时,就悄悄告诉我烟花秀一起当叛军,我才现学现唱了萱草花。然后聪明伶俐的她得到两个点歌权又大方主动出让我一个,才有了 天之涯Home~
所以,今天专门唱了这首 雪落下的声音 作为感谢,
原唱:魔幻水晶 :)
轻轻 落在我掌心
静静 在掌中结冰
相逢 是前世注定
痛并 把快乐尝尽
明明 话那么寒心
假装 那只是叮咛
泪尽 也不能相信
此生 如纸般薄命
我慢慢地听 雪落下的声音
你没办法靠近 决不是太薄情
只是贪恋窗外 好风景
我慢慢地品 雪落下的声音
睁开了眼睛 漫天的雪无情
Here's one from the web, close to the version I heard.