"Nothing Gold Can Stay" was a poem written by Robert Frost in 1923 (see pic below). The poem is about how as things grow older they lose their innocence. Like how when a leaf in the fall turns brown and dies or how when a child turns into an adult they mature and lose the innocence they had a a young child. The poem says "nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold". This means that when something is first born, they are born clean and pure, which is the hardest thing to be in our time.
Some say this is ironic, as gold is one element we know which never tarnishes and highly valued :-). IMHO, youth, beauty, and life itself are some of the examples which won't last forever. But innocence could stay (although rarely), and friendship can definitely stay.
We have been staying in WXC net-friend's home and their vacation condo for 7 weeks, more than double the time they stayed in our place. During the time, we had some long walks and talks. I felt that I have found not only a friend to share views on life and current matters, but a big sister that I always wished to have. To me, this is "gold" and the friendship I will keep and treasure.
On the other topic, we decided to stay put in SF on the "big day" which will be watched by the whole world, and pray for peace. Amen.
A couplet is a pair of lines that rhyme. Usually both lines have the same meter. A couplet expresses a complete thought and can be funny or serious. Some poems are made from several couplets put together.
The couplet form suits a love poem, of course, because the pairing of the two rhymes, so close to each other on successive lines, mirrors the coupling of the two lovers.
Here’s an example of a short couplet:
April showers Bring May flowers
Here is an example of a couplet poem:
An Essay on Criticism: Part 2 BY ALEXANDER POPE ...... "Where-e'er you find 'the cooling western breeze,' In the next line, it 'whispers through the trees;' In crystal streams 'with pleasing murmurs creep,' The readers threatened (not in vain) with 'sleep.'" ...... Homework:Write a couplet poem.
BTW, Let us learn some terms of poetry(Fig 1):
Fig 1:
Questions:How many verses does the following poem have?How many stanzas does the poem have:(感谢 最西边的岛上 提供)
The phrase “you are what you think” is a common idea that suggests that our thoughts have a significant impact on our lives. Here are some related ideas:
Thoughts affect emotions: Thoughts can trigger emotions, which then influence our behavior. For example, if you focus on the thought that you are a failure, you might feel down and discouraged, which could lead to you acting in a certain way. Thoughts shape character: The information we consume determines how we think, and our thoughts shape our character. Thoughts create reality: Our life experiences are a result of the thoughts we focus on. Attitude is everything: Attitude can be the difference between success and failure.
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" was a poem written by Robert Frost in 1923 (see pic below). The poem is about how as things grow older they lose their innocence. Like how when a leaf in the fall turns brown and dies or how when a child turns into an adult they mature and lose the innocence they had a a young child. The poem says "nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold". This means that when something is first born, they are born clean and pure, which is the hardest thing to be in our time.
- source: https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Loss-Of-Innocence-In-Robert-Frosts-Nothing-E55DD5EC58554DE9 --------------------------------------Some say this is ironic, as gold is one element we know which never tarnishes and highly valued :-). IMHO, youth, beauty, and life itself are some of the examples which won't last forever. But innocence could stay (although rarely), and friendship can definitely stay.
We have been staying in WXC net-friend's home and their vacation condo for 7 weeks, more than double the time they stayed in our place. During the time, we had some long walks and talks. I felt that I have found not only a friend to share views on life and current matters, but a big sister that I always wished to have. To me, this is "gold" and the friendship I will keep and treasure.
On the other topic, we decided to stay put in SF on the "big day" which will be watched by the whole world, and pray for peace. Amen.
Met my childhood best friend, and found little in common, 不如不见还一直挂念着。
When one moves on to the next stage of life, the previous cycle stopped.
【Poem Reading Tuesday】What Is Couplet Poem?并学一下英文诗术语 来源: 妖妖灵 于 2024-05-07 17:49:48 [档案] [博客] [转至博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 阅读数 : 253 (16051 bytes) 字体:调大/重置/调小 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 当前最热讨论主题 | 编辑 | 删除 本文内容已被 [ 妖妖灵 ] 在 2024-05-29 08:00:20 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.
A couplet is a pair of lines that rhyme. Usually both lines have the same meter. A couplet expresses a complete thought and can be funny or serious. Some poems are made from several couplets put together.
The couplet form suits a love poem, of course, because the pairing of the two rhymes, so close to each other on successive lines, mirrors the coupling of the two lovers.
Here’s an example of a short couplet:
April showers Bring May flowersHere is an example of a couplet poem:
An Essay on Criticism: Part 2 BY ALEXANDER POPE ...... "Where-e'er you find 'the cooling western breeze,'In the next line, it 'whispers through the trees;'
In crystal streams 'with pleasing murmurs creep,'
The readers threatened (not in vain) with 'sleep.'" ...... Homework:Write a couplet poem.
BTW, Let us learn some terms of poetry(Fig 1):
Fig 1:
Questions:How many verses does the following poem have?How many stanzas does the poem have:(感谢 最西边的岛上 提供)
The birds are singing
The daisies are blooming
The sun is getting up
On this early morning
The dew is rolling
The branches are dancing
I whispered to them
Hello my happy garden
你为什么不制造话题?我到哪都是最能说的,每次聊得我口感舌燥:) - 妖妖灵 -
(0 bytes) (6 reads) 11/05/2024 14:35:44
From google“You are what you think”:
The phrase “you are what you think” is a common idea that suggests that our thoughts have a significant impact on our lives. Here are some related ideas:
Thoughts affect emotions: Thoughts can trigger emotions, which then influence our behavior. For example, if you focus on the thought that you are a failure, you might feel down and discouraged, which could lead to you acting in a certain way. Thoughts shape character: The information we consume determines how we think, and our thoughts shape our character. Thoughts create reality: Our life experiences are a result of the thoughts we focus on. Attitude is everything: Attitude can be the difference between success and failure.