how about a long term game, a proverb a day? no obligation, no pressure, one miniute to make one, a few seconds to read one. Only the first post counts, if you see someone already posted one, hold on to next day; No problem if duplicated, coz we all forget, need to refresh, except 梅雨潭最强大脑不用refresh.
Cheapest is the dearest (=most expencive). said to mean that: Cheap things cause you to spend more money because they break easily and you have to replace ("Dear" in this sense is another word for "expensive.")
I take MYSJ as a place where I can just go and relax,making a post not for publication, not for making money, not for fame, but just to relax~
It is so casual, because I just want to relax
In this small space, we know each other's habits, characters and communication skills.
Welcome to APAD!
I copy and paste the initial post here
a proverb a day: Cheapest is the dearest 来源: 移花接木 于 2023-03-01 05:27:30 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 阅读数 : 4496 (674 bytes) 字体:调大/重置/调小 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 当前最热讨论主题 本文内容已被 [ 移花接木 ] 在 2023-03-01 09:53:50 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除. 活动参与者: 妖妖灵 , 移花接木 , 7grizzly , jianchi9090 , 仁可how about a long term game, a proverb a day? no obligation, no pressure, one miniute to make one, a few seconds to read one. Only the first post counts, if you see someone already posted one, hold on to next day; No problem if duplicated, coz we all forget, need to refresh, except 梅雨潭最强大脑不用refresh.
Cheapest is the dearest (=most expencive). said to mean that: Cheap things cause you to spend more money because they break easily and you have to replace ("Dear" in this sense is another word for "expensive.")
2. 谩骂,污秽言语,人身攻击,挑拨地域种族
3. 广告贴
4. 重复贴
5. 意图捣乱,刷屏
6. 两个人聊天的对话贴占主要版面
7. test 贴
8. 贴子里的图片或音乐/视频的连接无效
9. 贴子为乱码
10. 淫秽内容
11. 跟贴总是讥讽,内容讨论影响论坛和谐气氛
12. 在论坛里不断猜疑别人ID,引起纷争