APAD: "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional"

楼主 (文学城)
"Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
- Walt Disney or Chili Davis or Anonymous (pick the one you like the most ;-)

Possible Meanings

A serious one (from Quora but please don't ask me what it means):
" Entropy is a physical law all things obey and it says we must decay to simpler things. Thus life is anti-entropy (we defy the universe to live, literally). We’re lucky to live as long as we do and we do it because we are smart. We eat omnivorously, have social support systems, and have culture and technology that assists our prolonged anti-entropy states. Ultimately, we are just a blurr in the chemical reactions that happen every moment in our universe. We are special but also not. In the end, like all systems, we are in flux. Part of the flux is growing old and dying. That’s life in this universe. Be grateful you’re able to be organized as a human right now to wonder. Also, remember, you’ve always existedold, exist now, and will exist for all time; the catch is that you’re not always going to be in the state you are in now. Again, be grateful for the state your in now."

A easy one (also from Quora):
"Quite simple, actually—our biological bodies will age, and eventually die—but some people never fully arrive at a mature, balanced place psychologically—and some of us never lose touch with the magical, innocent, wonderful child within."

To me, there is no confusion in "growing old".  But "growing up" has two different meanings:
1. To be moulded into a standard piece of the main stream of the society, do and say what are expected and can be taken to anywhere and plugged in like an AI ;-)
2. To come to maturity intellectually, be respectful to Mother Nature and others, and be responsible for own actions.

Although these two are not mutually exclusive and I did try to fit in when I was young and didn't know much, I personally don't like and have been trying to refuse to become a "standard piece" all my adulthood, and I wish us all be mature but "never lose touch with the magical, innocent, wonderful child within“.  

Good news: the mid-autumn festival cookies have arrived in Walmart Canada, and I bought a box yesterday ;-)    
the serious one is a serious atheism. death&tax r mandatory
is the moon cake imported from China?
I had mine 3yrs in a row from a local home kitchen

gift by my realtor

hahaha, thinkPositively: tax will b final when deathComes;))
Store1s r LikelyFomC. I only like&trust稻香村cookies, haven't
bought月饼4ages, made myOwn 冰皮月饼,烤豆沙//鲜肉月饼 b4 :-))
I am irreconcilable with meat mooncake
I know (per粽子talk;-). I like 2try differentFood, but agree
meat should stay with 包子和饺子only ;-))
I like this quote. Life is a journey, aging is inevitable,
But maintaining curiosity&youthful spirit is your own choice
U got it! ;-))
We die to give space to the younger generations:)
& may our spirits live on w/ them and be passed on ... ...
我不爱读书,就跟着APAD学习,growing old and growing up,
白云美眉,我们一起学习. growing old naturally & growing up positively.