APAD: The more U praise and celebrate, the more there is

楼主 (文学城)
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
- Oprah Winfrey

Sorry for another bowl of "chicken soup" ;-), but I do like this phrase by Oprah, even I'm not really a fan.

Terrence E. Deal also had similar thought but in bigger scope:  "Celebrations infuse life with passion and purpose. They summon the human spirit, reattach us to our roots, and help us soar toward new visions. Celebrations touch our hearts and fire our imaginations, bonding people together and connecting us to shared myths and values."

So, we should all keep being positive about self and life, and that has a special meaning for me today.

I joined APAD gang on Feb 18th, a day after I was suddenly cheering out loud: "Just realized Y I like APAD: it's not aboutEnglish, butLife!"  https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/306699.html
It has been interesting and fulfilling 6 months and 50 APAD posts (from me) since, I can't believe I made it this far.   A big THANK to you all my dear friends, as it is your encouragement and kindness made it happen!!!

To mark and celebrate this occasion, I tried to cast my APADs together (see below), but stopped half way, as it's just too lo .....ng  

Cheers to All!

No pig wrestle, lips are sealed
Out sight & mind, nothing ventured & gained
Long journey from 1st step, race won by 2Ss
Sunday well spent, action over words
Music food of love, giving credit due
Still waters run deep, April fool
No Rome in one day, kingdom for a horse
Present is the best, many of hands
Curious cat, to thine own self be true
Brave strong happy, go plant a garden
All comes to end, true friend is rare
Silver lining cloud, follow Wilbur's plan
... ...  
He's still celebrating

Husband takes the wife to a disco. There’s a guy on the dance floor giving it large – break dancing, moon walking, back flips, the works. The wife turns to her husband and says: "See that guy? 25 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down." Husband says: "Looks like he’s still  celebrating!!"

We'd celebrated1st anniversary of APAD this March. More2come
hahaha, great attitude! ;-))
looking forward to more celebrating!!!
Great job! Congrats!
To me, APAD makes different strokes for different folks :-)
Thx Brother for all the help!!!
true! diversity is part of beauty inLife, 2me what countsThe
most is that we r all leaning & keeping at it! ;-))
what a milestone! congrats!
Thx. :-)
It deserves a big celebration. Thank you .
TY白云美眉!谢你不弃不离,谢你暖心支持,谢你一路相随,together we'll make a miracle!
Wow, You deserve a formal ritual for your contributions!Here

it is:


Thx much 灵美眉!我一直记得你在2月17号那天对我的鼓励,还有7G和移花!!!