风中的摇曳 是你的问候吗 来自远方
芦苇化成了蝶 飞舞在你我 盈盈一笑间
《Swaying In the Wind》
swaying in the wind is this your greeting from far away
reeds turned into butterflies flying between you and me while we're smiling
A proverb in the wind: A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.
(photo by CBA7)
P.S. 我用手机随便拍了风中摇曳的芦苇后,想到了盈盈的网名(盈盈一笑间),即兴写了这首小诗,送给盈盈 :)
I tried to translate it before, the best I figured finally is just simply as Yingying's smile!
《Swaying In the Wind》
swaying in the wind
is this your greeting
from far away
reeds turned into butterflies
flying between you and me
while we're smiling
A proverb in the wind:
A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.
(photo by CBA7)
P.S. 我用手机随便拍了风中摇曳的芦苇后,想到了盈盈的网名(盈盈一笑间),即兴写了这首小诗,送给盈盈 :)
【美坛综艺秀】《风中的摇曳 Swaying In the Wind》 诺贝尔文学奖得主代表诗作赏析:The Wild Iris - Poem Analysis 《My Poetry 我的诗歌》 《秋色和秋水的重聚》《The Reunion of Autumn Colors and Autumn Water》 《Mom Crossing Her Eyes》 《妈妈斜着眼睛》更多我的博客文章>>>
I tried to translate it before, the best I figured finally is just simply as Yingying's smile!