在美国大大小小的航展上,有个保留节目HERITAGE FLIGHT,它的目的是纪念美国空军的发展历程,纪念阵亡的空军将士。它通常由两架战斗机组成,一架是二战时期的旧式螺旋桨飞机,而另一架是最先进的战机。两架飞机如影随形,在空中编队飞行,与此同时,机场响起激动人心的歌曲WE REMEMBER。It is truly inspirational.
To those who've had to fly and fight, who have served their country in the sky, with a grateful heart, and watchful eye, we remember.
And may the faithful, proud machines, who bore the sword of freedom on their wings, be given the honor such a burden brings, and we remember.
Keep them flying, keep them flying, so that all who see them will know, that their freedom was won by the blood that flowed, and remember.
And all who've coursed through hostile skies, know that freedom requires a sacrifice, to those who paid the highest price, we remember.
With a place of honor so deserved, for what flesh and blood and steel have earned, that may the greatest glory be reserved, for the colors they so bravely served.
Keep them flying, keep them flying, so that all who see them will know, that our freedom was won by the blood that flowed, and we remember.
在美国大大小小的航展上,有个保留节目HERITAGE FLIGHT,它的目的是纪念美国空军的发展历程,纪念阵亡的空军将士。它通常由两架战斗机组成,一架是二战时期的旧式螺旋桨飞机,而另一架是最先进的战机。两架飞机如影随形,在空中编队飞行,与此同时,机场响起激动人心的歌曲WE REMEMBER。It is truly inspirational.
To those who've had to fly and fight,
who have served their country in the sky,
with a grateful heart, and watchful eye,
we remember.
And may the faithful, proud machines,
who bore the sword of freedom on their wings,
be given the honor such a burden brings,
and we remember.
Keep them flying, keep them flying,
so that all who see them will know,
that their freedom was won by the blood that flowed,
and remember.
And all who've coursed through hostile skies,
know that freedom requires a sacrifice,
to those who paid the highest price,
we remember.
With a place of honor so deserved,
for what flesh and blood and steel have earned,
that may the greatest glory be reserved,
for the colors they so bravely served.
Keep them flying, keep them flying,
so that all who see them will know,
that our freedom was won by the blood that flowed,
and we remember.
P-51 Mustang and F-22 Raptor
F-22 Raptor and F-4 Phamton and old ones
B-52 and ghost like B-2
Korean war era F-86 and F-35