I just found out that my former roommate cashed my check. is this crime or misdemeanor? if I sue him, what kind of penalty he will get? I want to teach him a lesson but not want to send him in prison.
同時,一旦啟動司法調查,後續的結果就不是你所能控制的 (所謂給對方一個教訓但是不要送對方坐牢)
I just found out that my former roommate cashed my check. is this crime or misdemeanor? if I sue him, what kind of penalty he will get? I want to teach him a lesson but not want to send him in prison.
同時,一旦啟動司法調查,後續的結果就不是你所能控制的 (所謂給對方一個教訓但是不要送對方坐牢)