From idealist 2 realist, turned the war to political benefit

楼主 (文学城)

The election result of Hungary spoke out the conflict of interest of the majority people----own interest and benefit is number one. Only when there is a conflict between own interests and justice, it's time to exam true rightiousness of oneselves. 

 I summarized from the original article into the following highlight bullets. I only listed what has happened. The original article <<Orbán’s victory in Hungary adds to the darkness engulfing Europe>>, expressed the frustrations and disappointments from the Westerns... ..., Please read more from the original article if you are interested...

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, is re-elected partly because he turned that very war to his own political benefit. Orbán won by telling Hungarians that he would keep them out of this war – and that their heating bills would stay low due to his sweet gas deals with Putin. The last five days,  streets and metro carriages plastered with government-funded posters showing an avuncular image of Viktor Orbán beside the slogan “Let’s protect Hungary’s peace and security”. Another ubiquitous poster showed a young mother and child with the slogan “Protect the children”. Orbán’s Fidesz party has once again secured a two-thirds supermajority, enabling it to change the constitution at will. Whatever honeyed assurances it gives in Brussels or Washington “Russians go home!” some youngsters chanted at the very end of that disconsolate opposition wake in Budapest, recalling a slogan from the time of the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. Walking back at midnight in that very place in June 1989, Young, seemingly idealistic Orbán himself call for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary. Yet now the ageing cynic is flatly refusing to let western arms supplies pass through Hungary in order to help the Ukrainian army send the Russians home. His government would never allow weapons supplies to go through Hungary to Ukraine, nor sanctions to be imposed on the 85% of Hungary’s gas and 64% of its oil that comes from Russia.  
The eternal conflict between our human side and animal

side set in stark relief by war.

I thought was eat or 2b eaten :-)))))

There have been cases where the haves refused to have more.
“ From idealist 2 realist”英文玩到一定水平才这么自然押韵。总结得清晰简洁:事不关己高高挂起