【祈祷和平】this morning, I want to say 'Hello World'!!

楼主 (文学城)

Mar. 23rd 2022, Cloudy, mood is as heavy as the sky.

Wakened up by the WeiChat notifications, it was my mother's WeiChat junk  messaging bombardments. I never read but I like to see it, it gives me peace of mind: covid surges, city locked down, my mother is doing her routine.  I felt a little bit released out of the stress. Since my father passed away last year my mother's well doing is my number one concern.     

 Hummed my current song in progress, liked my early morning deep voice.  I always learn a new song and have two more in the to-sing-list buffer.  

I don't read WXC news, beyond rumors spreading, I felt ashamed of seeing people extremely viciously curse to each other using my first language.  

Nervously opened up my media in trust, the war is still on as the day before, no new war broke out, covid causes the same chaos, don't see new crimes of racial hatreds, no new natural disaster, no new fatality from major commercial airplane … …, no more new bad news, except : Taliban decide against opening schools to girls in Afghanistan beyond age of 11.

Too complicated to me to judge others, at least no one got slaughtered, massacre didn't happened, fine, let it be.

I wish the world is already as bad as it could be. Remembered in computer programming language tutorials, the first code is usually to print “Hello World”, to get your first time hands on. But I never ever done that before, I always went more than half way or all the way through the language before writing down my first code, by then it was no longer necessary to “Hello World” any more. But this morning for the sake of no breaking bad news, I felt passionated to say “Hello, World”.    

Allow myself on compassionate ground, compassion to all the misfortunes, compassion to myself,  compassion to all the families and friends, and compassion to beloved MYSJ forum and all the dear fellow netizens.

 Don't know what I am talking about.   Hello, World! Let's pray for peace... ...

Hello,World!Hello,花董!No bad news is good news!
You look gr8t today!Ur passion is contagious:)
Here is tipping my hat to someone who tries

to keep his conscience clear and shows compassion toward the deserving in a world seemingly doomed to the downward spiral into darkness.

"I felt ashamed of seeing people extremely viciously curse to each other using my first language."

I may be wrong but it just feels like we are seeing more and more of these haters from hell polluting our world with their venom with the utmost wantonness and wickedness.  They have torn society asunder and we are all suffering.  Good grief!

Hello, World! Reminds me of the song of Richcie, “Hello”. I

heard your version, I remember :).

conscience,ethic,morality,tolerance,common sense.

conscience,ethic,morality,tolerance, common sense in common is what bonds us together in MYSJ as a harmonious virtual society.

haha, me? not yet, added 2 to-sing list now.

I had two songs of him so far.  Endless love, with 一荷;   say you say me. solo

恭喜花董。首页进来,谢谢网管,祈祷和平this morning, I want to say Hello World推荐
very well said! World peace!
Oh,my bad:). I think it should be “say you say me”.
Hello, Huashuai:))
Hello, MYSJ, wish everyone in a Hello mood