Bond company requires citizen as administrator. So you as a green card cannot get a bond.
The bond company suggest you ask a citizen friend as an administrator. But they also want a lawyer involved.
In this situation, you have two choice
(1) ask the judge to drop the requirement of the probate bond because of your non-citizenship status, as well as you are the mother of the heir, there is some assumption of fiduciary dependability. Of course it's better you provide witness or supporting evidence to show you are dependable and careful, such as gainfully employed, highly educated etc.
(2) you will have to step aside and ask a citizen friend to act as an administrator. That way a bond could be purchased. I think you have to try this first, before asking the judge to drop the bond requirement. You'll have to show that there is no plausible alternative (such as the ex has no family member, no close friend suitable). You don't have to show you don't have friends/relatives, because it is your ex's estate, as long as he has no relative/friends living nearby it is enough to show there is no plausible alternative administrator.
This is the best I can come up with, I am not estate lawyer so this could be all wrong.
我在佛吉尼亚州,要处理前夫的遗产(没有遗嘱),继承人是我的小孩,尚未成年。等成年后,这个estate account会关掉,钱转交给孩子。
开始的时候估计了大概的钱数,后来所有账户统计下来,比一开始的要多一些,地方法院要求我increase probate bond。我联系了agency以后,发现有些问题。
1. 我只有绿卡,不是美国公民,申请被拒了。
2. agency建议,找个美国公民一起申请(朋友同意帮忙),然后还需要一个处理遗产的律师
3. 到法院重新在estate 的administrator上加上朋友的名字(有可能我的名字还要去掉,看法院的意见)
1. 能否有人推荐合适的公司获准我probate bond,按说这种公司应该很多,不知道是否能有哪家公司可以通过,就不必换人那么麻烦。
2. 是否能帮我推荐Virginia的律师?我联系了几个,要不反馈很慢一直留言,要么说不做这个业务。
有些女同志,不懂的东西就爱问人,不爱自己做研究。你去问probate bond的人关于probate的问题,人家不是律师或者不是你的律师,不想回答你的问题,当然随口建议你找一个律师。
由于死者不是你的现配偶,你必须找一个美国公民朋友做执行人,但是不必找律师。功课要自己做。probate court service比较帮忙,因为很多死者家属并不富裕
如果你现在联系的bond company要求你找律师,那么你就去找新的公司好了。把自己的功课做够,先把administrator变成你的朋友,然后以他的名义去找新的bond 公司去谈。这样bond公司不会先入为主认为你一个新移民又不是公民,一定要你去找律师。
我不知道我说明白没有。有时候要把自己的处境包装一下,不需要和bond company说的话就不要说。
最好的办法是能够找到合适的probate bond的公司,实在不行需要去改administrator的话,流程相对麻烦。
Bond company requires citizen as administrator. So you as a green card cannot get a bond.
The bond company suggest you ask a citizen friend as an administrator. But they also want a lawyer involved.
In this situation, you have two choice
(1) ask the judge to drop the requirement of the probate bond because of your non-citizenship status, as well as you are the mother of the heir, there is some assumption of fiduciary dependability. Of course it's better you provide witness or supporting evidence to show you are dependable and careful, such as gainfully employed, highly educated etc.
(2) you will have to step aside and ask a citizen friend to act as an administrator. That way a bond could be purchased. I think you have to try this first, before asking the judge to drop the bond requirement. You'll have to show that there is no plausible alternative (such as the ex has no family member, no close friend suitable). You don't have to show you don't have friends/relatives, because it is your ex's estate, as long as he has no relative/friends living nearby it is enough to show there is no plausible alternative administrator.
This is the best I can come up with, I am not estate lawyer so this could be all wrong.