If the deceased was the only person on the checking account No will exists You are next of kin
If these three elements are true in your situation, you must follow these steps to close the single-signature checking account:
Request a copy of the death certificate from the state's office of vital records. Depending on the state, you can do this online, in person or by mail. The state will likely charge a fee for the death certificate. Notify the probate court that there is no will. Receive a letter of testamentary. The judge will grant this document, which names you as the executor of the estate. The letter gives you the legal right to close the checking account for the estate. As executor of the estate, you must give the money to whomever state law says is the rightful owner.
所以,第一個問題是人去世了多久?如果去世不久,everything in the account should be intact。如果人去世沒多久賬戶就被鎖住,我估計是你們多次嘗試login賬戶失敗導致的security lock。大部分的銀行官網都有forgot password的reset機制。請個神父到天堂通知死者自己做個password reset就好了。現在科技發達,估計天堂已經有gigabit fiber了。
请教大家一个问题, 人忽然去世,没有遗嘱,单身,没有孩子,唯一直系亲属母亲在国内,母亲试图转账到自己的账号,但是账号被锁了。我知道应该通知银行人去世了,还需要到法庭证明母女关系吗?具体的操作是怎样的?要找什么律师呢? 谢谢大家
If the deceased was the only person on the checking account No will exists You are next of kin
If these three elements are true in your situation, you must follow these steps to close the single-signature checking account:
Request a copy of the death certificate from the state's office of vital records. Depending on the state, you can do this online, in person or by mail. The state will likely charge a fee for the death certificate. Notify the probate court that there is no will. Receive a letter of testamentary. The judge will grant this document, which names you as the executor of the estate. The letter gives you the legal right to close the checking account for the estate. As executor of the estate, you must give the money to whomever state law says is the rightful owner.(A) 你不是對方的直系親屬
(B) 你沒有在加州執行律師業務的資格
首先,人過世後銀行賬戶不會立刻被封,因為銀行是不會知道人是否健在,除非你主動告訴他們。而且你用口告訴他們不行,他們要見到死亡證才算。如果過世了很久,賬戶幾年沒有activity,銀行才會freeze account。過了法定可以freeze的期限,銀行才會將凍結的賬號的資產轉到政府的待領資產部門處理。
所以,第一個問題是人去世了多久?如果去世不久,everything in the account should be intact。如果人去世沒多久賬戶就被鎖住,我估計是你們多次嘗試login賬戶失敗導致的security lock。大部分的銀行官網都有forgot password的reset機制。請個神父到天堂通知死者自己做個password reset就好了。現在科技發達,估計天堂已經有gigabit fiber了。
所有遗产需要走court, 需要很长时间才能了结。还有各种养老金账户啥的
天堂還是用 56 K 的 modem , 希望有一天可以進步到 5 G... 聽說華為的老總正在與上帝打˙商量,看看是否可以用他家的產品˙因為地上沒有人用,只好用在天上了. 好在川總日後不會去那裡.....
地獄木前是蹭網 FIOS,計畫有一天會更新到 10 GB 光纖...所以才能趕上老川發推文的速度...
让法庭指定你朋友的母亲(或你)为遗产分配执行人 (estate administrator),所有在你朋友名下的,没有指定受益人的遗产,都由法庭指定人用其名字开一个银行账户,把其它银行的钱直接转入该遗产账户,只有开户的指定人有权利动用其中的金钱,从法律上讲,这钱基本就是指定人的了。
如何拿到法院文件,成为指定执行人? 找一个普通律师即可,填一份表格,申请一个税号,2000 元搞定,当然各地收费行情不一。但应该是比较简单的,所以是flat fee, 不是按时间收钱,也不是按遗产比例收钱。
text message賬號驗證碼到手機。手機解不了鎖,只要將Sim card插到另外一部手機就行了。通訊公司只認Simcard不認手機。密碼的話銀行一般是寄信不會發電郵。