A true threat is a threatening communication that can be prosecuted under the law. It is distinct from a threat that is made in jest. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that true threats are not protected under the U.S. Constitution based on three justifications: preventing fear, preventing the disruption that follows from that fear, and diminishing the likelihood that the threatened violence will occur.[1] There is some concern that even satirical speech could be regarded as a "true threat" due to concern over terrorism.[2]
The true threat doctrine was established in the 1969 Supreme Court case Watts v. United States.[3] In that case, an eighteen-year-old male was convicted in a Washington, D.C. District Court for violating a statute prohibiting persons from knowingly and willfully making threats to harm or kill the President of the United States.[3] The conviction was based on a statement made by Watts, in which he said, "[i]f they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J."[3] Watts appealed, leading to the Supreme Court finding the statute constitutional on its face, but reversing the conviction of Watts.
The counterspeech doctrine posits that the proper response to negative speech is to counter it with positive expression. It derives from the theory that audiences, or recipients of the expression, can weigh for themselves the values of competing ideas and, hopefully, follow the better approach.
The counterspeech doctrine is one of the most important free expression principles in First Amendment jurisprudence.
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Can J2 transfer to H1 without waver? Thanks.
A true threat is a threatening communication that can be prosecuted under the law. It is distinct from a threat that is made in jest. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that true threats are not protected under the U.S. Constitution based on three justifications: preventing fear, preventing the disruption that follows from that fear, and diminishing the likelihood that the threatened violence will occur.[1] There is some concern that even satirical speech could be regarded as a "true threat" due to concern over terrorism.[2]
The true threat doctrine was established in the 1969 Supreme Court case Watts v. United States.[3] In that case, an eighteen-year-old male was convicted in a Washington, D.C. District Court for violating a statute prohibiting persons from knowingly and willfully making threats to harm or kill the President of the United States.[3] The conviction was based on a statement made by Watts, in which he said, "[i]f they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J."[3] Watts appealed, leading to the Supreme Court finding the statute constitutional on its face, but reversing the conviction of Watts.
这位大佬自称是能源博士。估计没有做过IT。IT系统用Zulu time (Z stands for Zero Meridian, 零经度,就是格林威治的经度)是很平常的事。
由于数据可能来自美国几个不同的时区,一般用一个时区代表时间的比较少。我以前的工作的公司在全美都有server,很多州横跨两个时区,都用Eastern Time或者像硅谷小公司都用Pacific Time,是设计不周的一种表现。
The counterspeech doctrine posits that the proper response to negative speech is to counter it with positive expression. It derives from the theory that audiences, or recipients of the expression, can weigh for themselves the values of competing ideas and, hopefully, follow the better approach.
The counterspeech doctrine is one of the most important free expression principles in First Amendment jurisprudence.
文学城某些论坛是比较极端的,阴谋论占了上风,但是美国总体来看,这个假设目前还是成立的,拜登赢了大选还多了6百万选票就是证明。希望美国能很快找到equilibrium 。