The 'illegal' tenant is illegal only under your lease. The tenant is a legal tenant of your original tenant with whom you signed lease. So yes, the original tenant can terminate tenancy and evict the 'illegal' tenant.
It would be hard to prove the fire is her responsibility without fire department's official conclusion.
As for other issues,you need to fight the ticket, and good luck finding a lawyer.
SMC只會處理金錢引起的糾紛。簡單來說就是你們之間如果有金錢相關的問題才去找它。例如你付了錢買東西或服務,對方不給你合約的物件或服務。或者你借錢給某人,但那傢伙不還。你們之間有金錢的關係。某人燒了你的東西不賠,你去SMC的結果我估計你會得到的裁決是一句話“defendant does not owe plaintiff any money"。我已經試過幾次得到這樣的裁決。後來問律師才明白,事實上是對方並沒有欠我錢,只是我想要對方賠錢。對方欠我錢和我要對方賠錢是兩回事。SMC只處理對方欠我錢。所以SMC給出那樣的裁決。fair enough,i went to the wrong door。索償請去民事法庭。
最後提醒,如果你身在惡法的地方,你就會發現這些惡法基本上都是民主黨的市或州議員提出和推動立的法。我剛來美國時投的是民主黨的票,當中也有投給立這些惡法的人甚至投贊成票給這些惡法。當然那時候是租房子住。現在租房子給別人時就終於明白了惡果自嘗的味道,but too late。立了的法想再推倒就難了。在我們這裡如果想趕走一個illegal occupant,房東還要按人頭付每人六七千大洋的relocation fee呢。不合理?that is the Law!!! 租個房子個別人比閉上眼睛買個股票的風險還大。股票虧損你按個鍵就立刻止損。租了個有問題的房客可不是你按個鍵就可以立刻stop的事。所以投票時不要想著今天的利益。今天的利益可能是你明天甚至是這輩子的噩夢。
You only said there is a ticket about illegal unit, and a future case of eviction from your current tenant and the illegal tenant. You didn't say there is a case between this tenant and you.
The illegal unit case is between the local government and you. It has nothing to do with the second tenant. So no, your small claim winning cann't cancel out any dollar amount from the illegal unit case against you.
"在我們這裡如果想趕走一個illegal occupant,房東還要按人頭付每人六七千大洋的relocation fee呢。不合理?that is the Law!!! "
No, you pay six months rent and relocation fee if your rental unit is illegal, not because the tenant is illegal.
The rental unit is illegal if the building itself violates the law, such as unpermited improvement, two stoves in a house etc. The law punishes landlords for renting out dangerous (not inspected by inspector) building for residence.
The other issue is "illegal tenant", more appropriatly called "unauthorized tenant". This kind of tenant should be evicted in the eviction court. There is no law requiring you pay them relocation fee.
unfortunately,that's not how the Law work in my state/city
In my city, house owner will need to pay each illegal occupant 6-7k to get them out of your property no matter your unit is legal or not. Illegal unit is actually easier because the illegal occupant will have no reason to stay. If legal unit, they will fight even harder because they have the right to stay. Any case, you need to pay them out. If senior, pay extra 2k!!! If you don't pay, they have the right to stay!!! Sorry.
There is a case some body left newly bought house empty for few months. Someone moved in illegally with entire family. When the owner found out, they couldn't get the illegal occupant out with out paying then relocation fee. Reason - they have the right to have a house!!! You need to pay to take away their right.
Owner couldn't kick Illegal occupants out of the door. Owner paid shit load of money to go to the court for eviction. In my opinion, the owner should be able to just sweep illegal pedestrian out of the house without even calling the police. Because the law protects them, owner can't do that. The law doesn't provide any protection to the house owner. The law doesn't give you the right to protect your property. In fact, the Law gives the right to the court to protect your property instead。that makes the difference and unfairness。
You don't have the right to protect your property, that is the t
Just like many states pass extra law to stop landlords evit tenants if tenants don't pay rent druing the pendamic. There is no extra law to protect landlords when they can't colloect rent. All the landlards can do is go after the tenants for luck. Just look in to your state to see which party proposed the anti-eviction for tanants.
在與房客發生糾紛時,your best strategy is to try settle down the dust with minimume cost and shortest time frame. Lawsue is somthing you need to avoild if possible.
三个月前,有一个出租房着火了。着火时只有一楼房客在家,是从这个房客放在外面的垃圾桶起火的。这个房客是一个illegal的房客,是二楼房客分租的。我和二楼房客有month to month 租约,而且写明不可以sublease 的。我没和这个ilegal tenant打过任何交道。为了大家评论方便,我分段加了号码。
1. 这个illegal的房客把易燃物扔到了外面的垃圾桶,引起着火,把我的房子烧了一个大洞。
2. 首先我所在的州的讲法是: 这个人在我房子住,就成为我的房客。因为她住那里。着火后我要给他付旅馆费。我后来后悔没有给她付这个旅馆费,听我细说。当时我实在想不过这个坎儿:他把我的房子烧了,我还要给他送旅馆去,还要给他付饭费和消费。
3. 然后市里的health dept 给他找了个tenant advocate lawyer. 我也被迫付了旅馆和她的消费。这也不是大事。
4.可是这个律师还是不放过房东。律师发现这个房子是single family。就找了City 给我开了ticket, 说我把gas stove pipe made available without permit。
5. 可是这个ticket 毫无根据。从来没有照片证明有个gas stove 和 connection out of wall。可是他们就是说是我这个房子曾经把这个煤气从墙里接出来,现在又装回墙里了。city 没有任何证据。 其实她(illegal tenant)住的部分确实是也没有煤气,也没有那个炉子,只是她在那个房间里头自己装了一个小电炉来烧吃的。
6. 我们这个鬼地方的法律是,你要是出租一个illegal的unit,那么你会被罚给房客六个月搬家费/return of rent。
7. 我很冤的是我从来没从这个人收过一分钱,这个人住进来我也不知道。她是和我的房客签了合同搬进来的。我一直以为她是这个我的房客的的侄子呢。
8. 那个律师还跟他说今年不用给我的legal房客交房租。我的房客看事情已闹大,给了她一封信叫她一个月后搬家,就甩手不管了.
我在找律师,谈了两个。一个付了一小时的费用,可是没有一个拿方案出来。一个律师指出其实illegal tenant 只是租了那一层的一部分,因为我的房客去那层洗衣服。希望这点能帮上我。另一个律师说不管怎样房东都有责任,等开庭看看能不能够settle。
Q1: 我可以出钱给我的房客找个律师,让我的房客用hold over 来evict 她吗?
Q2. 我准备去小额法庭去告这个女的烧了我的房子。可是plice report 只是说火从外面的垃圾桶起的,并没写是她的责任。这个垃圾桶只有她一个人access. 起火时我的房客在外州。要是我赢了也从她那里拿不到钱。可是要是我的房东房客案子输了,我可以用这个案子她欠我钱来抵我要给她的六个月房租吗?
The 'illegal' tenant is illegal only under your lease. The tenant is a legal tenant of your original tenant with whom you signed lease. So yes, the original tenant can terminate tenancy and evict the 'illegal' tenant.
It would be hard to prove the fire is her responsibility without fire department's official conclusion.
As for other issues,you need to fight the ticket, and good luck finding a lawyer.
Can J2 transfer to H1 without waver? Thanks.
Q2. 我准备去小额法庭去告这个女的烧了我的房子。可是plice report 只是说火从外面的垃圾桶起的,并没写是她的责任。这个垃圾桶只有她一个人access. 起火时我的房客在外州。要是我赢了也从她那里拿不到钱。可是要是我的房东房客案子输了,我可以用这个案子她欠我钱来抵我要给她的六个月房租吗?
SMC只會處理金錢引起的糾紛。簡單來說就是你們之間如果有金錢相關的問題才去找它。例如你付了錢買東西或服務,對方不給你合約的物件或服務。或者你借錢給某人,但那傢伙不還。你們之間有金錢的關係。某人燒了你的東西不賠,你去SMC的結果我估計你會得到的裁決是一句話“defendant does not owe plaintiff any money"。我已經試過幾次得到這樣的裁決。後來問律師才明白,事實上是對方並沒有欠我錢,只是我想要對方賠錢。對方欠我錢和我要對方賠錢是兩回事。SMC只處理對方欠我錢。所以SMC給出那樣的裁決。fair enough,i went to the wrong door。索償請去民事法庭。
身處惡法的地方,而你又不善管理結果就是那樣。現在只有請律師看有沒有辦法將你的損失減到最低和想想將來怎樣prevent將來同類事件發生。對於illegal sublease的問題,我的解決方案是在租約註明-房客Grant permission給房東在Business hour隨時進入房子檢查所有的public area,例如hallway,living room,kitchen,garage,back yard。在和房客簽約時重點指出這條文提醒他們。他們問why時就告訴他們我會定時來檢查房子的gas pipe和煙霧警報器,是safety protocol。有了這條文,基本上保障三件事。
最後提醒,如果你身在惡法的地方,你就會發現這些惡法基本上都是民主黨的市或州議員提出和推動立的法。我剛來美國時投的是民主黨的票,當中也有投給立這些惡法的人甚至投贊成票給這些惡法。當然那時候是租房子住。現在租房子給別人時就終於明白了惡果自嘗的味道,but too late。立了的法想再推倒就難了。在我們這裡如果想趕走一個illegal occupant,房東還要按人頭付每人六七千大洋的relocation fee呢。不合理?that is the Law!!! 租個房子個別人比閉上眼睛買個股票的風險還大。股票虧損你按個鍵就立刻止損。租了個有問題的房客可不是你按個鍵就可以立刻stop的事。所以投票時不要想著今天的利益。今天的利益可能是你明天甚至是這輩子的噩夢。
You only said there is a ticket about illegal unit, and a future case of eviction from your current tenant and the illegal tenant. You didn't say there is a case between this tenant and you.
The illegal unit case is between the local government and you. It has nothing to do with the second tenant. So no, your small claim winning cann't cancel out any dollar amount from the illegal unit case against you.
"在我們這裡如果想趕走一個illegal occupant,房東還要按人頭付每人六七千大洋的relocation fee呢。不合理?that is the Law!!! "
No, you pay six months rent and relocation fee if your rental unit is illegal, not because the tenant is illegal.
The rental unit is illegal if the building itself violates the law, such as unpermited improvement, two stoves in a house etc. The law punishes landlords for renting out dangerous (not inspected by inspector) building for residence.
The other issue is "illegal tenant", more appropriatly called "unauthorized tenant". This kind of tenant should be evicted in the eviction court. There is no law requiring you pay them relocation fee.
Don't confuse these two "illegals".
In my city, house owner will need to pay each illegal occupant 6-7k to get them out of your property no matter your unit is legal or not. Illegal unit is actually easier because the illegal occupant will have no reason to stay. If legal unit, they will fight even harder because they have the right to stay. Any case, you need to pay them out. If senior, pay extra 2k!!! If you don't pay, they have the right to stay!!! Sorry.
There is a case some body left newly bought house empty for few months. Someone moved in illegally with entire family. When the owner found out, they couldn't get the illegal occupant out with out paying then relocation fee. Reason - they have the right to have a house!!! You need to pay to take away their right.
Sheriffs evicting homeless women squatting in empty Oakland house
So unless you show my actual examples and/or law supporting your argument, I am still holding my belief that US laws protect private property.
Owner couldn't kick Illegal occupants out of the door. Owner paid shit load of money to go to the court for eviction. In my opinion, the owner should be able to just sweep illegal pedestrian out of the house without even calling the police. Because the law protects them, owner can't do that. The law doesn't provide any protection to the house owner. The law doesn't give you the right to protect your property. In fact, the Law gives the right to the court to protect your property instead。that makes the difference and unfairness。
我还没收到传票。illegal tenant 的律师(是政府给的)给我的信讲我会受到传票。没说是谁告。你认为是政府告?
案子A .房东告unauthorized 租客纵火,赢的话的租客赔偿给房东。
案子B.unauthorized 租客的代表律师说不合法unit出租,需要房东赔给租客6个月的租金赔偿。
案子A 估计证拒太少,立不了。
案子B 怎么都得等city 和房东的ticket官司了结,确定了是非才能开展。
illegal occupants, illegal pedestrians, illegal xxxx, but never tanent. Once they are tenant, they are protected by tenant right.
You are in US, not in China.
Self-help eviction is prohibited in all 50 states. Self-help eviction (evicting tenant without court order) would cause violence and property damage.
It is a public policy decision. Not evil law by democrats.
Just like many states pass extra law to stop landlords evit tenants if tenants don't pay rent druing the pendamic. There is no extra law to protect landlords when they can't colloect rent. All the landlards can do is go after the tenants for luck. Just look in to your state to see which party proposed the anti-eviction for tanants.
在與房客發生糾紛時,your best strategy is to try settle down the dust with minimume cost and shortest time frame. Lawsue is somthing you need to avoild if possible.
说我的房客不能 file evict illegal 住的她,因为我的房客没有 any legal ownership status, 因为我的lease 不许他sublease。 好像没有道理,听听法律专家怎么说。
如果我要evict illegal 住的她, 就要用illegal unit 的理由,那么就是承认她的space is illegal unit。建议我给她六个月+3 month rent fee leaving to settle。
一定写上All others. 你和那个illegal 的房客没有landlord-tenant 关系。另外一个罚你款的问题自行解决。别急,损失点钱,破财免灾,身心保护好,继续掏。还有人说钱能解决的问题就不是大问题。
可是赶这个un-autherized,我要给他 6 个月房租,还有给她三个月notice。我也想不出其他办法了