男友和我想在买个$87万美金的房子。他因为没有存款。但有收入。政府部门工作,还有一年就退休了(55 years old)。他想让我出47万头款。他可以货40万元的款。由他每月还贷款。到时我们修建一个泳池由他来付钱。我和他说我们应该找律师公证。他说不需要,浪费钱找律师。他说现在在做一个living trust. 他会把这个房子写上去,我出了多少钱。将来他万一不在了,我是他的受益人。。我的问题是这样做可靠吗?我怎样做比较好保护自己!
I think if we buy a house together, it will be both name on the
By the way, i recently sold my rental property which was under my living trust, so the money is under my living trust name in the 1031 exchange account. if we buy this house togehter, the name will be my living trust name.
The house we are going to buy is $87K, since we decide to live t
The house we are going to buy is $87K, since we decide to live together, he can pay the mortgage,be some responsible. if i get mortgage the interested rate will be higher.
Yes, we will go to see lawyer tomorrow. he understood after i ta
he understood after i talked with him. he did not want to take advantage with me. I just do not how it works since we are not married and want to buy a house together. I put so much downpaymet and he gets the morgatge. maybe we marry one day.
男友和我想在买个$87万美金的房子。他因为没有存款。但有收入。政府部门工作,还有一年就退休了(55 years old)。他想让我出47万头款。他可以货40万元的款。由他每月还贷款。到时我们修建一个泳池由他来付钱。我和他说我们应该找律师公证。他说不需要,浪费钱找律师。他说现在在做一个living trust. 他会把这个房子写上去,我出了多少钱。将来他万一不在了,我是他的受益人。。我的问题是这样做可靠吗?我怎样做比较好保护自己!
Thanks in advance!
🔥 最新回帖
Penny wise, pound fool.
This guy's love is very much strings attached, green $ attached. You deserve better.
好的美国男人也养家的. Unfortunately, this one doesn't fit the bill.
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Can J2 transfer to H1 without waver? Thanks.
房贷。你死了,他得到的是房产,包括你的47 万。 这人要不以此与你脱离关系,要不就以为你智商不够,看不出他的诡计。
47万女方可以自己买房了, 她要share男方退休金得结婚十年, 图啥
Thanks everyone!
他是干了三十年就可以退休的。是55岁。退休可以拿一笔钱。每个月退休金还是不错的。他有能力还贷款。以前给child support. 投资房产也失去了二次。花钱又大方。
我可以不用付Capital gain. (Gain 了也就十万美金)之后他退休了我们搬到一起共同生活。房子会是我一个人的名字。但是我可以贷款。利率比较高!因为是1031 exchange rental property.
他可以货到利率3.25% 30 年fix rate.
account, but he will get lump sum of money once he retires, he has ability to pay for it. he showed me his account
就是将来一方有啥事了那一半就自动到另一方名下。但要小心,因为你不在贷款上, 哪怕deed 上有名字lender 也要求签一份gift letter, 说明那个现金头款是你给的gift. 因为银行要确定每一笔钱的来路。所以不是至亲不要这么做, 你出钱的会吃亏的。 将来有啥事这点钱都去律师那里了。 而且你们还没结婚, 中间还有税的问题,不过每个州不一样, 做决定前还是花点钱先咨询下律师和会计师吧。
By the way, i recently sold my rental property which was under my living trust, so the money is under my living trust name in the 1031 exchange account. if we buy this house togehter, the name will be my living trust name.
but he has to wait when he retires, so he can get good amount money out to pay off the mortgage which is no problem.
as you know, he works for govenment.
what do you mean? so i cannot rent it out?
The house we are going to buy is $87K, since we decide to live together, he can pay the mortgage,be some responsible. if i get mortgage the interested rate will be higher.
不过,不管怎么说,他55了,退休快要需要人照顾了。你女儿8岁,你算43吧,正是年富力强的时候,又有钱,没事找个很快需要别人照顾的人,不是自己给自己找事嘛?等他去世了,谁照顾你?你女儿?她小的时候不觉得你把她的需要放在头里的 -- 搬家去老头想退休的地方,而不是对你女儿教育有利的地方。
he understood after i talked with him. he did not want to take advantage with me. I just do not how it works since we are not married and want to buy a house together. I put so much downpaymet and he gets the morgatge. maybe we marry one day.